Types of shoulder injury. - Do not perform rotator cuff exercises before pectoral exercises. Shoulder Injury Treatment

A bruised shoulder joint is a rather serious injury in which soft tissues and ligaments are severely damaged.

It is important to diagnose and treat this condition in time so that it does not cause complications.

Shoulder contusion: symptoms and first aid

Immediately after a shoulder injury, the victim will experience the following symptoms:

1. Acute pain syndrome, which manifests itself not only with hand movements, but also at rest.

2. Swelling of the shoulder joint (possible formation subcutaneous hematoma).

3. Smoothness (swelling) of the contours of the joint.

4. The release of fluid into the joint cavity (can be detected only after ultrasound).

5. Pain on palpation.

6. Red to purple bruising and bruising.

7. Severe hemorrhages (may occur in the presence of open wounds).

8. Rupture of one of the muscles. Usually it is accompanied by severe swelling and tissue retraction in the joint by 5-7 cm.

With a shoulder injury, it is important to know that this is an injury, not a fracture. It is easy to distinguish the first from the second: with a fracture, the mobility of the shoulder joint will be completely limited, which cannot be with a bruise.

In addition, with a fracture, the victim will feel a characteristic crunch in the bones.

First aid for a bruised shoulder includes the following actions:

Examine the arm (you cannot adjust or unbend it yourself);

Immobilize your hand. To do this, it must be bandaged to the body half-bent at 90 degrees;

If the integrity of the skin is damaged, then you need to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and apply a sterile bandage;

Wrap ice in a cloth and apply to the affected area for 10 minutes. After that, take a break for 5 minutes and repeat the procedure again;

It is important to know that it is impossible to keep the ice in place of the injury all the time, as this can lead to frostbite of tissues and impaired blood circulation.

Provide rest to the victim for several hours. If during this time the swelling and pain do not subside, then you need to contact a traumatologist.

Shoulder contusion: diagnosis and treatment

As a diagnostic procedure, after examining the injured shoulder, the doctor may prescribe a fluoroscopy of the joint and an ultrasound scan.

These studies will help assess the severity of the injury and rule out the possibility of a fracture. Moreover, ultrasound examination will show the state of muscle tissue and joint "capsule".

Treatment of a bruised shoulder joint depends on the severity of the injury. It is carried out in a complex manner using drug therapy (injections, tablets and ointments), as well as restorative physiotherapy.

First of all, the patient is prescribed the following medications:

1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to relieve inflammation and edema (Nise, Movalis, Celebeks). The duration of their intake should be 3-5 days.

2. In case of severe pain syndrome, a solution of novocaine is injected into the affected joint. He may also be prescribed analgesics and drugs for pain relief (Ketanov, Diphenhydramine, Analgin).

The victim himself in the first days after the injury must comply with bed rest. His hand and all shoulder joint should be bandaged with an elastic bandage. This is necessary to fix the hand and also to restore normal blood circulation.

If in the first 2-3 days after the injury of the shoulder joint, blood and fluid began to collect in it, then the patient can undergo a puncture (pumping out excess fluid from the joint). If the hematoma continues to develop, then the patient is installed drainage for 1-2 days.

When the patient is stable, local treatment is prescribed. To do this, you can use anti-inflammatory ointments and gels (Voltaren, Dolobene gel, Diklak gel). It is also allowed to apply cold compresses (with ice) to the shoulder for 10-15 minutes.

Physiotherapy treatment can be prescribed 5-7 days after a shoulder injury. The most effective are the following procedures:



Paraffin applications on the affected joint area;

Electrical stimulation.

The final treatment method for a bruised shoulder is massage. It can be done only after complete restoration of joint mobility and the disappearance of acute pain syndrome (as a rule, this can be achieved no earlier than a week after the injury).

This therapeutic massage will restore blood circulation and tone to damaged muscles. It is done by rubbing and stroking the skin towards the venous outflow. The duration of such a procedure should be at least 20 minutes.

What happens if a bruised shoulder is left untreated?

In case of untimely assistance after a shoulder injury, a person may experience the following complications:

1. Hemarthrosis (accumulation of blood and ichor in the joint cavity). This often happens with severe vascular damage. The accumulated liquid will still have to be pumped out. surgically, since because of it a person can lose joint mobility.

2. Ingestion of infection and inflammation of the joint can lead to traumatic bursitis.

3. Post-traumatic arthrosis can develop even several months after a shoulder injury. With this disease, the cartilage tissue is very badly damaged. Because of this, the person will suffer from constant pain.

4. Formation of subcutaneous hematoma due to lack of timely treatment. Also, such a hematoma can appear if a cold compress was not applied to the victim's shoulder immediately after the injury.

5. Increase in body temperature due to strong inflammatory process.

6. Suppuration of the wound, which was received with a bruised shoulder.

7. Synovitis - excessive production of fluid in the joint cavity. It arises as a reaction of the body to severe inflammation and changes in the joint cavity after an injury.

8. Shoulder-scapular periarthrosis occurs due to chronic inflammation of the joint capsule and tendons.

9. Impaired joint mobility due to tendon damage. Most often this happens in older people who have not treated a shoulder injury with massage and physiotherapy.

With timely medical care, it is possible to completely restore the shoulder joint after a bruise in 2-3 weeks.

About the shoulder girdle

The shoulder girdle is a structural formation, scapula and clavicle, which together and due to the articular joints determine the normal position of the humeral bones and shoulder joints in general. Due to the high mobility of the shoulder girdle and heavy loads, this area is prone to damage. Very often, patients go to clinics with complaints of a shoulder injury. That is why this ailment most often appears among all other joint injuries.

Shoulder injuries occur in individuals different ages and gender... Both men and women often injure the shoulder girdle, which, of course, requires specialized medical care. And before you go to a specialized department for the elimination of a shoulder injury, we advise you to immobilize the limb so as not to harm the shoulder girdle even more during movement.

The most important rule for the patient is not to self-medicate the injured shoulder, otherwise the wrong approach can only worsen the condition or even lead to complications!

Causes of shoulder injuries

The causes of shoulder injuries usually boil down to that damage occurs either to the bones that make up the shoulder joint, or to muscles, ligaments and tendons. All this can be provoked by various damaging factors, for example, such as:

  • Heavy physical exercise, the main force of which falls on upper limbs, namely, the shoulder joints and their ligamentous apparatus;
  • Severe traumatic injuries: falls on an outstretched arm, sprains and bruises;
  • Degenerative changes in the shoulder that appear with age and are characterized by insufficient blood supply to all the constituent parts of the shoulder. Poor blood supply leads to a malnutrition of bones and tissues, and therefore, their increased trauma;
  • Hereditary predisposition to diseases and injuries of the shoulder, which is most often associated with a dysfunction of the connective tissue in the body as a whole;
  • Inadequate nutrition, due to which the cartilage and bone tissues become weaker and more susceptible to traumatic injury.

We identified the main causes of shoulder injuries so that you can familiarize yourself with them and remove yourself from their influence as much as possible.

Symptoms of shoulder injuries

Symptoms of shoulder injuries mainly boil down to the main thing - the occurrence of pain... The pain usually occurs immediately after the injury and may worsen if the shoulder is severely injured. It can be intense and even unbearable, or it can be aching. In addition, with a shoulder injury, the pain usually increases when pressure is applied to the injured shoulder, when the hand moves in the shoulder joint (which sometimes turns out to be completely impossible).

Pain is usually more severe the greater the injury and trauma to the shoulder.... It is the pain symptom that arose after a shoulder injury, and the inability to move the injured arm in full, that make the patient go to the clinic for medical help. Remember, do not postpone a consultation with a good traumatologist until later. After all, the sooner it is possible to establish the cause of the shoulder injury, the sooner you will be provided with the necessary medical assistance to eliminate the existing damage, and the sooner your full recovery will come.

Treating shoulder injuries

Treatment of shoulder injuries can be conservative and operative., and in each case it should be selected individually. You will receive such treatment, individual and effective, by contacting our specialized clinic. It should be noted that our doctors offer only the most modern, unique and effective methods treating shoulder injuries, which lead to complete elimination of the damage and your speedy recovery.

At times sufficient quality for the treatment of shoulder injuries conservative therapy, which includes not only reception medications, but also special physiotherapy exercises, dosed physical activity, necessary methods of limb immobilization for a specific period. At the same time, following all the doctor's recommendations and following his prescriptions, our patients recover very quickly.

Comprehensive treatment of traumatic shoulder injuries in our clinic, prescribed by our doctors, allows you to achieve long-term remission and postpone surgery.

Moreover, is now actively used as a treatment for shoulder injuries modern minimally invasive method, namely arthroscopy, which is a minimally invasive intervention, thanks to which it is possible to restore damaged shoulder structures. The essence of arthroscopy lies in the fact that the course of the operation is carried out under the direct control of a video camera, which is placed in the damaged shoulder joint, and using special instruments that perform the necessary surgical manipulations (i.e., restoration of damaged structures). Such treatment is now as effective as possible and perfectly allows you to solve the problem with this pathology.

Also, our specialists use other the latest technology, modern and reliable techniques that allow return the patient to normal life after a shoulder injury... In addition, the specialists of our clinic always try to help the patient as much as possible, and in the event that surgery can be delayed, they do everything possible for this.

Video reviews of the treatment of the shoulder joint

Yakunina Galina, shoulder arthroscopy

Bulaev Vladimir 80 years old - shoulder arthroscopy

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User questions about shoulder injury

I had a fracture on my left forearm and walked for 5 weeks with a plaster cast. It was applied from shoulder to toes. The plaster was removed later

2 weeks I can not straighten my arm to the end. Inhalation pain in the shoulder. Doctors ignore and do not say how and what to do. Tell me what to do and how to straighten your arm.

Doctor's answer:
You need rehabilitation treatment. A rehabilitation course, which includes exercise therapy, possibly physiotherapy, etc. Look for such centers on the Internet.

On August 1, he broke his left clavicle, took an X-ray, the surgeon diagnosed a displaced clavicle fracture. They put on the delbe rings and said the next

day to go for a consultation in another city to a traumatologist. I did so, there the doctor looked at the picture and concluded that the operation was not needed and nothing needed to be adjusted, he recommended wearing rings for up to 6 weeks and being monitored by a surgeon at the place of residence. When he came to his surgeon, he showed this piece of paper and the rings were slightly tightened to me. The question is that, depending on my position, I can feel that there is something moving in my shoulder and a fragment sticking out is periodically felt through the skin, sometimes more or less. Is this considered the norm? How do you think that the bone should heal, it should be in one position, and is it even possible to achieve this when wearing these rings?

Doctor's answer:
Bone fragments can be matched as accurately as possible only openly, an operation. Operative treatment will speed up rehabilitation and improve the quality of life.

I have a frozen shoulder for 3 years my right hand does not rise I want to come for treatment and restoration of my hand operation is not acceptable - concomitant disease diabetes mellitus

insulin dependent, please write specifically how to come, whether this disease is treated and the cost of treatment, thanks for the answer from the traumatologist who will definitely answer my question

Doctor's answer:
You can come for a consultation at our clinic. At the consultation, the doctor will give you his recommendations for rehabilitation.

Shoulder injury is a concept that combines all possible injuries to the joints of the shoulder girdle. Violation of the functional peculiarities of this department can be caused by a variety of reasons, based on which the classification of shoulder injuries is built.

The shoulder is between the shoulder and elbow joints arms. It refers to the upper limb and includes two muscle groups:

  • front (this includes beak-shaped, shoulder, biceps);
  • back (can be attributed to the elbow, triceps and articular-elbow).

Both groups of muscles in the shoulder are responsible for the work of the forearm, allowing it to perform all the necessary movements: adduction and abduction, rotation and lifting. The upper part of the shoulder is in communication with the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, small round, deltoid and other muscles that provide movement in the joint of the shoulder girdle.

Under the muscles is a long bone that attaches to the scapula and forms the shoulder joint. The connecting element is the head of the humerus. The lower part of the shoulder bone is in communication with the radius and ulna of the forearm.

In the region of the shoulder girdle, there is the nerve plexus, axillary and brachial arteries, connected to the aorta through the subclavian arteries.

Classification of shoulder injuries

Injuries to the shoulder girdle can be minor or very serious. The type of injury depends on the nature of the damage and on the anatomical structures that have suffered as a result of aggressive external influence... The main types of clinical cases:

  • broken injury of the shoulder joint (fracture);
  • dislocations;
  • sprains;
  • micro and macro breaks of muscle fibers;
  • bruises.

Both superficial anatomical structures and deeper tissues can be damaged: skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments, bone tissue, articular structures, vessels and arteries, nerve endings.

Causes of occurrence

Injuries occur due to:

  • damage to the shoulder when falling;
  • a strong blow to the shoulder;
  • increased squeezing;
  • road traffic accident;
  • workplace injuries;
  • non-compliance with safety rules;
  • practicing all kinds of sports activities;
  • weather conditions.


A shoulder fracture is a rare injury. This problem mostly concerns people of retirement age, since their articular structures are subject to degradation processes. The fracture can occur when falling and landing on the elbow or bent arm.


Symptoms include cutting pain in the shoulder region, which increases when trying to move the hand. As a rule, the victim has severe edema in the area of ​​the fracture, and any movement of the hand communicated with the injured shoulder is difficult and accompanied by bouts of pain.

If you suspect a fracture, you should consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe an x-ray. Otherwise, the violation of bone tissue may not be detected, which means that the bone will grow together incorrectly.


A shoulder injury complicated by a fracture requires long-term treatment. Damage correction methods:

  • surgical intervention (in case of displacement of bone fragments);
  • plaster immobilization of the hand;
  • immunomodulators and calcium-containing drugs.


Correct rehabilitation after a fracture is as important as treatment. Since the joint is immobile for a long time, arthrosis may occur some time after the removal of the cast. Simple self-massage of the upper limb and a complex of exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises) will prevent the development of joint diseases.


A dislocation is a displacement of a cartilaginous segment into an anatomically incorrect position in relation to the scapula. The reason may be a forced movement in an unnatural direction for the hand or a sharp collision with an object. It is impossible to restore the function of the joint without the intervention of a doctor, as in the case of a fracture.


With dislocation skin acquire a blue or gray tint, the shoulder changes shape, and the movements of the upper limb are difficult or impossible. When trying to bring the arm and shoulder into dynamics, you can hear a characteristic crunch. The painful sensations are dull, but at the same time they can be given to the elbow or fingers.


With a classic dislocation of the shoulder joint, treatment is divided into several stages:

  • first aid;
  • restoration of the anatomically correct position of the joint (reduction);
  • fixation of the injured limb (using a bandage or bandage);
  • rehabilitation procedures.

Temporary immobilization of the limb and rehabilitation gymnastics are very important, as they allow the joint to "grow together" with the connective tissue and fix in the correct position. Patients who ignore post-treatment interventions often fall prey to relapse (dislocation in this case can occur even with mild physical activity and support on the sore arm).

Tearing muscle tissue

Muscle tissue impairment is largely the result of a lack of exercise. Due to the insufficient dynamics of the shoulder region, the supply of blood to the muscles is disrupted and the fibers "dry out". And with a sharp and rough impact on the upper limb, the tissues that have lost elasticity are simply torn.


Muscle damage can be associated with the anatomical features of the structure of the shoulder region (congenital anomalies in the location or shape of the cartilage). But it can be triggered by very sharp movements or "stretching" the arm.


The most important symptom is loss of sensation in the forearm and hand. Tears of muscle fibers are accompanied by pain (the larger the area of ​​damage, the stronger the pain), loss of functional features (inability to perform simple movements).


A patient with suspected muscle rupture should have an x-ray and visit a surgeon. And only after an in-depth analysis of the degree of damage, the doctor will decide how to treat the injured person.

  • local rupture (partial) is treated with special exercises, dosing loads and local anesthesia;
  • Complete separation is treated with an operation in which the muscles are stitched together.

Without treatment, muscle recovery does not occur! The fibers dry out and deform, and the limb completely ceases to function.


Sprains are not a hazardous injury. It is the result of physical activity (most often sports), but it can also occur in domestic conditions with a relatively weak traumatic factor.


Symptoms are manifested in pain and loss of limb dynamism. Edema and small bruises may occur. The injured department loses its functionality.


There is no special treatment for sprains. It is enough to anesthetize the shoulder girdle with the help of pharmaceutical preparations and ensure the immobility of the limb by applying a bandage or bandage.

But it is simply necessary to visit a traumatologist, since sprains can be complicated by concomitant injuries (rupture of ligaments, dislocation, etc.).


In case of bruises, the skin is damaged, the vessels and nerve fibers located in the immediate vicinity of them. Very often, bruises are accompanied by bruises, which appear 1-2 days after the injury and do not go away for 3-10 days in a row.

Bruising is possible, in which the subcutaneous fat layer and muscles are soaked in blood. Bruises are treated at home by cooling the injured area and taking pain relievers. Bruises are reduced with the help of pharmacy products (for example, bodyag or warming creams)

It is possible to resort to warming creams and agents that stimulate blood circulation only if the victim is sure that there are no complications after the injury.

Muscle inflammation

One of the options for complications after injury is myositis (inflammation of muscle fibers). It manifests itself in the form of severe pain, which victims are often confused with dislocations and fractures.


With normal myositis, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, you can apply ice. If the case of muscle inflammation is severe (complicated by infection or autoimmune processes), the attending physician will prescribe a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan.

Sports injuries

  • bench press (from the chest and from behind the head);
  • breeding dumbbells in opposite directions;
  • craving for the thoracic region;
  • ball serving (volleyball and tennis).

If you have had any shoulder problems in the recent past or are recovering from a shoulder injury, it is best to skip these exercises. If it is not possible to completely eliminate them from training, try to reduce the intensity of the exercise / reduce the weights with which you work.

Physical education and sports with a shoulder injury are possible only after completion of treatment (at the stage of rehabilitation). In this case, the loads should be minimal.

About treating an injured shoulder

Treatment for a shoulder injury depends on the severity of the shoulder.

If the injury is the simplest and most harmless, then on the first day cold compresses are applied to the injured area, made with ice wrapped in any available cloth. You need to keep such a compress for about 25 minutes and the interval between procedures should be at least half an hour.

It is also necessary to try to eliminate all loads, minimize movement and give the victim complete rest. After 2-4 days, the shoulder will fully recover.

If bruising, bruising and swelling form along with the injury, then the injury to the shoulder joint is slightly more difficult to treat. In this situation, for the first two days, it is also necessary to apply ice compresses, which will help reduce pain and prevent the formation of hematomas and edema. They can be used no longer than 20-25 minutes and the break between sessions should not be less than three hours. Also in addition to this folk method therapy, the attending physician prescribes the intake of special medications that serve as pain relievers and help to inhibit various inflammatory processes.

If a hematoma has formed at the site of the injury, then it is necessary to get rid of it with the help of lotions made on the basis of iodine, apple cider vinegar or salt. The shoulder needs immobilization and a state of rest for the period of treatment. After the completion of therapy, it is necessary to undergo a course of rehabilitation prescribed by a specialist so that the joint is completely back to normal.

In more severe cases, when a hemorrhage has occurred in the shoulder joint and there is more than twenty milliliters of blood in it, a procedure for pumping it out is necessary. It is carried out under a local pain reliever and consists in removing blood from the injured joint through a syringe. Next, with the help of 2% novocaine, the periarticular cavity is washed. If blood continues to accumulate in the joint over time, then the procedure is repeated again.

In some severe cases, a complete examination of the injured area and surgery are necessary. This is required if:

  • with the help of conservative intervention, it is not possible to restore the previous condition of the shoulder;
  • the victim has a complete or incomplete rupture of the ligaments, in which motor functions have significantly deteriorated;
  • severe fractures or dislocations of the joint.

After the complete completion of the treatment, the doctor prescribes the beginning of rehabilitation, which consists of exercise therapy, massage and special developing exercises for the shoulder joint. With its help, the motor function returns to normal, and the occurrence of various complications is minimized.


After injury to the shoulder region, the following complications may occur:

  • the occurrence of periarthritis or arthrosis;
  • constant aching pain in the area of ​​injury;
  • periodic pain during exercise;
  • incomplete restoration of motor function.

The shoulder girdle is complex, it is formed by paired bones - the scapula, collarbone and muscles that connect the upper limbs and trunk. And since this part of the body is distinguished by a large volume of active movements, shoulder injuries are especially prominent. They are prevalent mainly among athletes and bodybuilders who exercise improperly.

The most common cause of shoulder injuries in everyday life is outdoor games. For example, during a sudden movement, the load on the ligaments increases, this is enough to get a shoulder dislocation, the treatment of which will last for several weeks. Such injuries are often found in people whose profession implies holding their hands up for a long time. For example, painters or car mechanics.

Sports injuries to the shoulder are also common. This most often occurs when an athlete violates safety procedures, improperly performs exercises, or has incorrectly developed a training program for himself. Beginner bodybuilders begin lifting heavy weights without preparation, which can cause shoulder muscle tears or fractures of the shoulder girdle bones.

The most traumatic exercises are the bench press, dumbbells to the sides in the slope, and the press from behind the head.

Symptoms of a shoulder injury:

  • Sharp pain in the shoulder;
  • Sometimes it feels like a crunch;
  • Change in the shape of the shoulder joint;
  • Limitation of joint mobility;
  • Wrong position the head of the humerus.

Sports injuries of the shoulder.

Dislocated shoulder is the most dangerous shoulder injury often suffered by athletes. This injury is accompanied by acute pain and limited mobility of the shoulder joint. It is impossible to cure a dislocated shoulder on your own; the help of medical personnel is needed. But as a first aid for a shoulder injury, you can fix the injured hand with your healthy hand in a position of some abduction at a certain angle.

Rupture of the rotator cuff is common in athletes involved in weightlifting, tennis or rowing. Signs of this shoulder injury are pain when raising and lowering the arm, shoulder muscle atrophy, and crackling with certain shoulder movements. Diagnostics is done using graphic and X-ray studies, and an accurate diagnosis is made after examining the damaged area by a traumatologist.

Sprains and tears of the shoulder muscles are common in sports. If a person is engaged in swimming, then an injury called "swimmer's shoulder" is not excluded, which is accompanied by a rupture of the muscles surrounding the shoulder or located over the shoulder. The sport of bodybuilding is characterized by shoulder bursitis. It is accompanied by pain and swelling. The main reason is great physical activity.

If you notice one of the signs of a shoulder injury while exercising, you should stop exercising immediately. Be sure to call ambulance if you have symptoms of a dislocated shoulder or a torn muscle. While you are waiting for the arrival of medical assistance, fix the limbs and apply ice to it.

Variants of damage to the shoulder girdle.

  • A fracture of the bones of the shoulder girdle is a very dangerous injury that is not common. Varieties: clavicle fracture, scapula fracture, fracture proximal humerus. For treatment, it is necessary to apply a plaster cast;
  • Shoulder bruises are quite common, and you can treat bruises on your own. It is recommended to rub the sore spot with a cellophane bag filled with ice. Before starting the massage, the skin should be lubricated with petroleum jelly to avoid burns.

Treatment of injuries of the shoulder girdle.

To begin with, a shoulder injury is diagnosed using an X-ray or MRI. In some cases, a doctor's examination of the damaged area is sufficient.

If the diagnosis is "dislocation", then the doctor corrects it. There are many methods of reduction, based on the return of the slipped head of the humerus into the glenoid cavity. After reduction, the hand is immobilized using a special bandage. In severe cases, operations are performed to shorten the ligament of the joints.

Shoulder fractures are treated with plaster cast or osteosynthesis. And in case of bruises, it is necessary to reduce the area of ​​the hematoma and reduce the bruising. For this, ice and a tight bandage are used.

Recovering from a shoulder injury:

  • Do not load the shoulder for about 2 weeks;
  • At severe pain use pain relievers such as Ketano or Diclofenac
  • The first stage of recovery is a warm-up without weights, for example, perform arm abductions;
  • The second stage is the inclusion of more complex exercises and strength exercises;
  • Increase the load gradually. Full recovery is possible no earlier than 15-40 days.

A set of exercises for damage to the shoulder girdle.

Sports Shoulder Injuries and Treatment

Shoulder injuries occur when an athlete has incorrectly developed their training program and instead of benefit receives harm. Safety violations during training lead to all sorts of injuries, incl. shoulder injuries. Before strength exercises, you must carefully check your equipment, with heavy weights, it is necessary to control every movement, because working with heavy weights does not tolerate systematic training and threatens the athlete with bone fractures, tendon sprains and muscle ruptures.

Mechanism of injury

In bodybuilding classes, shoulder injuries occur for the following reasons:

- overload of the articular bag of the shoulder joint;

- hypertension of the muscles of the joint capsule during self-correction of its activity;

- in case of tearing of the cartilaginous ring, which is placed along the glenoid cavity. Cartilage ring, which serves as a support for the articular bag and the tendons of the long head of the biceps, which plays an important role in deepening the glenoid cavity.

- hyperextension of the ligaments.

Injury Exercise

The list of exercises for which shoulder injuries are most common are:

- bench press lying;

- bench press in a position from behind the head;

- Breeding dumbbells to the sides in the supine position or in an incline;

- craving for the chest.

Impeachment syndrome

Impeachment syndrome occurs during exercises in which the shoulder works most frequently, injuring the rotator cuff muscles. A shoulder rotator is a group of muscles that work together to rotate the shoulder.

Development mechanism

There are no exercises in bodybuilding and powerlifting that can harm the rotator cuff, but if you notice shoulder pain while doing the bench press, this could indicate rotator cuff weakness or impeachment syndrome that has already developed. Dangerous exercises include the military bench press, block deadlifts, and pull-ups on the bar.

How to fix the problem

- Use less and, if possible, exclude dangerous exercises.

- Train the rotator cuff muscles.

- Do not perform rotator cuff exercises before pectoral exercises.

- Perform a thorough warm-up.


Dislocation is one of the most dangerous shoulder injuries. With dislocation, the head of the humerus is observed to emerge from the front, with a simultaneous turn of the arm outward in the abducted position, which is the most typical form of dislocation.

Dislocation signs

It is at the moment of maximum load during the exercise that a dislocation of the shoulder can occur. A sharp pain immediately appears, it is accompanied by a crunch, and the shoulder joint changes its usual shape.

Other major types of shoulder injuries

- Fractures of the bones of the shoulder girdle are a very dangerous, albeit rare, shoulder injury. Its varieties are a fracture of the clavicle, a fracture of the proximal humerus, and a fracture of the scapula. This injury is treated with a cast.

- In bodybuilding and powerlifting, the most common fractures are dislocations, strains and ruptures of the shoulder muscles. This sports injury is called a swimmer's shoulder and involves a tear in a muscle located in the rotator muscles that surround or over the shoulder.

- A bruised shoulder.

- Tendenitis. It manifests itself as an inflammation of the tendons surrounding the shoulder joint. Friction of the tendons against the bone is triggered by physical exertion, which is typical for bodybuilding and powerlifting. There is also biceps tendonitis.

- A typical disorder is bursitis, which manifests itself with great physical exertion on the shoulder joint. Unlike tendenitis, it is also accompanied by edema in the area of ​​the articular bag.

Any damage to the shoulder, be it a fall, tendon rupture, or bone displacement, disrupts its normal functioning. You can not leave it without treatment, through force continuing the training, this can lead to chronic functional impairment.

First aid

- Stop exercising if you experience pain.

- In case of shoulder dislocation or muscle rupture, call an ambulance. In no case try to change the position of the limbs by adjusting them yourself.

- If you are unable to continue to move the joint, see your doctor to avoid further complications.

- Fix the limb in the position of the least pain.

- Apply ice.

Treating shoulder injuries

- If you have a dislocated shoulder, it must be adjusted. This can only be done by a qualified specialist. There are about 50 ways to adjust. All methods are divided into three main groups: methods based on muscle fatigue by stretching; lever methods; jogging ways.

- The fracture can be treated with plaster or metal osteosynthesis.

- In case of injury, it is necessary to reduce the area of ​​the hematoma to the maximum and reduce the bruising.

The best form of prevention for shoulder injuries is adherence to safety and training guidelines.


- Do not expose the shoulder joint to stress for 5-7 days.

- Use Ibuprofen or Ketans to suppress inflammation and pain.

- Gradually start training after the disappearance of pain.

- At the first stage, warm up the joint without weights. Perform arm abductions and circular movements.

- At the second stage (when pain disappear) gradually add the load.

- At the third stage, you can start to turn on strength exercises that involve the shoulder joint, adding weight in the process. The duration of the third stage, depending on the severity of the injury, will be from 15 to 40 days.

- Remember the main principle of recovery: refusal to work through pain, active warm-up and a progressive increase in load.

- The use of additives for ligaments and joints, which will significantly speed up the recovery process.