Large biographical encyclopedia

Vasily Mendeleev is a talented Russian engineer, inventor, author of the first Russian tank. As often happens, his projects were used only several decades later. Biography Vasily Dmitrievich Mendeleev was born on December 30, 1886

Essays on Soviet pilots

Kamozin met the war in parts of the Kyiv Special Military District. On June 23, he made his first combat mission in an I-16 and was wounded in the foot. As part of his unit, he was sent to retrain on the “laggy”, and again his graceful, error-free piloting

Animals and their voices for kids

When a child is brought up in a village, he is, as a rule, surrounded by a variety of domestic animals and, of course, from childhood he recognizes them by their voice, by the characteristic sounds that they make. What should a city child do, who has seen nothing but

Rug - what is it?

Hearing the word “ ”, this dish of Russian folk cuisine immediately comes to mind. Preparing this pastry couldn't be easier. In addition, now you can choose many interesting combinations of ingredients that are simple at first glance, which will make your gingerbread even more delicious.

Prayer for the repose of the soul of the deceased

Complete collection and description: prayer for the dead up to 40 days to read at home for the spiritual life of a believer. Prayers for the dead are considered an important church ritual that helps the soul of the deceased find peace. What prayer to read for the deceased up to 40 days each