What doctors are silent about. Succinic acid. Instructions for the use of succinic acid, consumer reviews Succinic acid: contraindications for use

succinic acid

Good afternoon, my dear readers! Amber is a beautiful solid resin that simply mesmerizes with its beauty.

From time immemorial, jewelry has been produced from amber, beads and rings are decorated with these stones, but few people know about medicinal properties of this product, and yet our ancestors, starting from the 17th century, used amber powder to treat many ailments.

Today, succinic acid (YAC), namely, it has a beneficial effect on our body, is produced in the form of ordinary tablets and powder, the features and medicinal properties of which we will talk about right now.

Succinic acid: benefits

As a rule, in an ordinary environment familiar to all of us, people do not experience any serious need for succinic acid and its additional intake.

However, it turns out that this product is often simply necessary for a person, in particular for the prevention and elimination of certain diseases.

So, daily intake with meals in the morning and in the evening for a YaK tablet:

1. It has a good effect on liver and kidney function.

2. Increases the body's resistance to external influences and all kinds of harmful toxins.

3. Saturates the body itself and each of its cells with oxygen.

4. Improves the work of the heart muscles and the heart itself.

6. Reduces fatigue during mental, psycho-emotional and physical exertion.

7. Improves metabolism, improves the process of burning harmful fats.

8. Rejuvenates the cells and tissues of the organism and all its systems.

9. Maintains the amount of water and salt in the body at the required level.

10. Helps withstand unstable adverse environmental conditions of life.

11. Treats colds.

12. Helps Cope with Disease circulatory system, normalizes the process of blood circulation through the vessels.

13. Eases pain with, helps to eliminate this ailment.

15. It slows down several times the aging process of the skin, reduces the visible changes that occur with age.

16. Quickly restores the loss of strength, eliminates constant drowsiness, raises vitality.

Succinic acid for women

Succinic acid: benefits for women

I would like to pay special attention to the benefits of succinic acid for the body of the fairer sex.

2. During pregnancy, taking this remedy, as practice shows, relieves the symptoms of toxicosis and eliminates the unpleasant consequences that occur with hormonal disruption and hormonal changes.

3. During the planning period of a child, amber resin is a kind of positive stimulant of conception, it increases the reproductive function of the body.

4. A weak female body during pregnancy, the named product strengthens and nourishes, helps other useful substances that are ingested with food to be quickly and easily absorbed.

5. Thanks to the consumption of succinic acid by pregnant women, the fetus in the womb receives the required amount of oxygen, which means that the risks of some pathologies and complications during development are practically reduced to a minimum.

Succinic acid: benefits for men

The acid has a beneficial effect on male reproductive function, increases arousal and allows the strong half to quickly recover after intense sports or some serious mental and strength stress.

Succinic acid: instructions for use

Succinic acid, indications for use for weight loss

It only enhances metabolic processes in the human body, which in turn contributes to faster fat burning and weight loss. At the same time, it is very important, along with taking the specified substance, to eat right and devote some time to sports.

How to take succinic acid for weight loss?

To reduce weight, you can use both an aqueous solution of acid and tablets, which you can buy at any pharmacy. In this case, it is important to adhere to the following one of the following weight loss courses:

1. Daily intake of tablets three times a day before main meals for 14 days, after which a break for a week and repeat the course again;

2. Daily intake of the drug 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day according to the system of 3 days of intake - a day of rest, etc.

3. As for the solution, it is used according to the same courses, only instead of taking three times a day, it is drunk once on an empty stomach.

How to take succinic acid for a hangover?

Able to cure succinic acid and hangover syndrome, as strange as it may sound, and quickly enough. To this end, the remedy should be taken on a pill one hour before the morning meal and then the same portion a couple of hours after the meal.

If this does not help, then it is allowed to take an acid tablet every hour, after the second portion, but no more than six tablets per day.

If you need to get rid of your morning hangover as quickly as possible, folk medicine men advise you to drink four tablets of acid on an empty stomach and then another tablet about 2.5 hours after the first meal.

Succinic acid in bodybuilding

How to take succinic acid in bodybuilding?

Athletes and bodybuilders are prescribed 500 mg of succinic acid. at one time before lunch (until 12 o'clock). Seeing positive changes in the body, the indicated dose should be gradually reduced to 100 mg. in one go.

In this case, 100 mg. can be divided into several doses per day and it is best to drink the remedy before meals for 30-40 minutes.

Attention! At high daily doses of succinic acid consumption, the course of administration should not exceed 10 days. A smaller dose is best taken according to the system of 3 days of intake, 2 days of rest from the prophylactic agent.

Succinic acid for colds, how to take?

During the season of respiratory viral infections, for prevention, it is recommended to eat an egg pill three times a day.

With the initial, newly emerging symptoms, indicating a cold, in order to relieve them, the named dose must be doubled and taken until the problems are eliminated.

The use of succinic acid in medicine

In medicine, succinic acid is used as a pure product in the form of tablets (0.1 gram each active substance per tablet) and powder (the amount of the active substance depends on the volume of the package), and the substance on the basis of which aqueous solutions and some other drugs are made.

The standard course of admission is 1 gr. powder or 1 tablet of egg per day for a month. This course is recommended for the normalization of functions. internal organs a person, for general strengthening of the body and improving well-being.

If there is no positive result, then the daily dose should be doubled. Moreover, it should be divided into three parts and taken during the day at regular intervals.

Important! It is necessary to take a break for a day every three days. This will avoid drug overdose!

Succinic acid: method of administration and dosage

1. In oncological diseases, acid is taken as an additional component to the main treatment. The daily dose of taking YaK is 5-10 tablets, which depends on the general condition of the patient. In the most severe cases, the dose may rise to 20 tablets per day.

Important! For better assimilation of the drug by the body, it is recommended to take YaK together with freshly squeezed juices from berries and fruits.

2. To facilitate the general well-being of patients with ischemic disease heart and atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, UC is prescribed after meals, one tablet 2 times a day. Such a course allows patients to reduce swelling and pressure surges, to reduce the frequency of angina attacks and shortness of breath.

3. To improve the state of blood vessels in patients with deforming osteoarthritis, obliterating atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, chronic venous insufficiency, it is recommended to take UC 2 times a day, 1 tablet, as an addition to the main treatment.

Treatment with succinic acid in old age

1. Succinic acid is used to treat the elderly. In elderly people, after 60 years, it is known that metabolism and energy production in cells slows down, which worsens the general functioning of organs and dystrophic changes in them.

The acid allows you to slow down the aging changes in the body and maintains the functioning of all body tissues at a good level. Yak speeds up metabolism, activates energy production, which means it improves the quality of life and its duration.

2. Due to this "rejuvenating" effect, it is recommended to take YaK to all people over 55 years of age. The course is 1-2 months, 1 tablet a day after a meal. This will strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process.

Succinic acid in cosmetology

Succinic acid is widely used today for the production of cosmetics. In particular, a huge number of skin rejuvenating creams, scrubs, masks, firming lotions, balms and shampoos are made on its basis.

Succinic acid for hair: application

In order to improve the structure of the hair, to give it special strength, strength, it is necessary to dilute the powder of succinic acid with water to get a kind of paste, and apply this paste to the scalp along the entire length of the hair, and from their very roots.

This simple procedure should be repeated once a week and continuously for a whole month. The result, you can be sure, will not keep you waiting.

How to take succinic acid for skin rejuvenation?

To rejuvenate the skin of the face, grind 2 tablets of the product, add the same amount of mummy, dilute with ten milliliters of almond or classic olive oil.

Apply the finished mask to the face with massage movements daily before bedtime, after which, after holding the composition for half an hour, rinse it off with water.

Attention! Before applying the anti-aging mask to the skin of the face, remove all daytime makeup plus the excess fat released by the skin during the day with a cotton swab.

Video: Succinic acid: peeling and face mask

What foods contain succinic acid?

By including these products in your daily menu, you can completely enrich the body with the missing amount of acid extracted from the amber resin and no longer consume this agent in tablets.

The acid contains:

- in bread made from rye flour, in rye bread crumbs;

- with individual intolerance to the specified component;

- with angina pectoris;

- with eye diseases (retinal degeneration, etc.);

- with urolithiasis;

- with an ulcer, and especially during periods of its exacerbation;

- with hypertension.

Among other things, it is best not to consume succinic acid immediately before bedtime, this can lead to insomnia.

Useful advice! No matter how you and for what purpose do not use succinic acid, consult your doctor before consuming it, he will help you correctly adjust the dose and prescribe a timely course of treatment or administration.

Video: Succinic acid - benefits

In contact with

The instructions for use classify the drug succinic acid as a group of metabolic drugs. The tablets have pronounced antioxidant, metabolic and antihypoxic properties.

Release form and composition

Succinic acid is available in tablet form. Implementation is carried out in a dosage of 0.1 and 0.25 g in contoured non-cell packs of 10 in each.

The main active ingredient is acetylamino succinic acid.

pharmachologic effect

Succinic acid has a beneficial effect on the body and improves cellular respiration. Improves oxygenation of liver cells by 60 times. When using the drug, the process of formation of free radicals is stopped, which have a harmful effect on tissues and cells.

Succinic acid also has a pronounced antioxidant effect, raises the body's tone, enhances immunity, reduces the feeling of fatigue and irritability, and also increases libido in both men and women.

Indications for use

What does succinic acid help from? Oral use of succinic acid is carried out as a dietary supplement. The tool is used in various therapeutic areas, as well as in cosmetology and sports.

The medication is used as a source of succinic acid in the combination therapy of the following pathologies:

  • intestinal microflora disorders;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • depression;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • functional asthenic conditions;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • type II diabetes;
  • pathology of the bronchi and lungs;
  • prostration;
  • mastopathy;
  • ischemia;
  • encephalopathy;
  • myoma;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • restoration of skin and hair in cosmetology;
  • osteoporosis;
  • intoxication, including alcohol;
  • sclerosis.

Instructions for use

Succinic acid is taken after meals. The tablets are washed down with plenty of water. The dosage is calculated individually, taking into account the age of the patient and the nature of the disease. In most cases, the drug is taken in the following dosages:

  • children under the age of 5 years - three times a day, half a tablet;
  • children aged 5 to 12 years - twice a day, 1 tablet;
  • patients over 18 years old - three times a day, 0.5-1 tablet.

The average duration of the course of treatment is 30 days. After the first course of treatment, take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course of drug treatment.

See also: how to take an analogue for atherosclerosis -.


The drug should not be taken by persons with individual hypersensitivity to acetylamino succinic acid. In addition, succinic acid is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • Angina pectoris.
  • Late toxicosis of pregnancy (gestosis).
  • Glaucoma.

Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions, gastralgia, hypersecretion of gastric juice. In people prone to arterial hypertension, an increase in blood pressure is possible against the background of the systematic use of succinic acid.

Children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of succinates during pregnancy makes it possible to facilitate hormonal changes in the female body, helps to strengthen the immune system, as well as to reduce the frequency and severity of toxicosis, prevents loss of strength and complications of pregnancy, helps to compensate for increased energy expenditures, ensures the creation of an optimal environment for the development of the fetus, in which the latter is in is sufficiently supplied with nutrients and oxygen.

The medication helps to strengthen the histohematological barrier between the blood and the fetus, which in turn helps to protect the fetus from the effects of pathogens and toxins.

Thus, the risk of having a child with congenital diseases or malformations is significantly reduced. It is important to remember that during the entire period of pregnancy, it is contraindicated to take more than 7.5 g of egg.

The dosage during pregnancy depends on how long the expectant mother is. For a period of 12-14 weeks, 0.25 g per day is prescribed for 10 days. In the second trimester, it is recommended to drink succinic acid between 24 and 26 weeks. And in the third - 10-25 before the expected birth.

During pregnancy, a woman should never consume more than 7.5 g of succinic acid.

special instructions

Drug interactions

Succinic acid is compatible with most pharmacological agents. The exceptions are anxiolytics and barbiturates (succinates reduce their effectiveness).

Can be used as an adjuvant in complex therapy infectious diseases to reduce the toxic effects of other drugs, including antibiotics, antihelminthic, anti-tuberculosis and anti-inflammatory drugs.


By structure, analogs are determined:

  1. Succinic acid-Elite-farm.
  2. Amber antitox.
  3. Brewer's yeast with succinic acid.
  4. Mitomin.
  5. Complex "Inosine + Nicotinamide + Riboflavin + Succinic acid".
  6. Amber.
  7. Yantavit.

Vacation conditions and price

The average cost of succinic acid (50 mg tablets No. 10) in Moscow is 20 rubles. The tablets should be stored in a dark and dry place out of the reach of children at room temperature. The shelf life is one year.

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Succinic acid is produced in the human body. It takes part in cellular respiration and energy generation, and is also a part of organs and systems. Succinic acid preparations have the same structure and function as those produced by the body.

Therefore, after consumption, it is rapidly absorbed and takes part in biochemical reactions. This contributes to the acceleration of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism.

In what form it is produced, properties

The substance is produced in the form of tablets, capsules, solutions for injections and powders. All these preparations contain pure succinic acid or substances that, when ingested, are converted into it. The tool has the following useful properties:

From this we can conclude that among biologically active additives, succinic acid is one of the most useful. With its help, you can tune all organs and systems to the optimal mode of operation.

The benefits of succinic acid for various diseases

Preparations based on succinic acid are added to the treatment regimen for various pathological processes. They allow you to speed up recovery, prevent the recurrence of the disease and reduce the duration of the course. With their help, they successfully eliminate:

Despite the mass of positive properties, only the attending physician should prescribe the remedy.

Cost and description of drugs

There are drugs only with succinic acid or with other substances that increase the therapeutic effect. The latter are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription, since they also contain other substances. Such drugs are popular:

You can buy them in pharmacies or order them online.

Indications and contraindications

In pure form and with auxiliary components, amber acid is recommended to be used in the treatment of:

  1. Osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis;
  2. Varicose veins;
  3. Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels;
  4. Ischemic circulatory disorders in the heart;
  5. Heart failure;
  6. Hypertension;
  7. Disorders of blood flow in the brain;
  8. Vegeto-vascular dystonia;
  9. Asthma, bronchitis and tonsillitis;
  10. Inflammatory kidney disease;
  11. Cirrhosis of the liver and gallstone disease;
  12. Poisoning with poisons and heavy metals;
  13. Alcohol addiction;
  14. Acute respiratory viral infections.

Medicines can also be prescribed to women during pregnancy to strengthen the body and prevent complications, as well as in the postpartum period to speed up the recovery process.

Contraindications include:

  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the product;
  • uncontrolled arterial hypertension;
  • peptic ulcer in the acute stage;
  • glaucoma;
  • urolithiasis.

Therefore, you should consult your doctor before use.

Instructions for the use of succinic acid in various forms

They use it like this:

During treatment, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Instructions for use for weight loss

Many people are looking for a remedy that would help get rid of the problem of excess weight without much difficulty. But, truly harmless drugs that can eliminate body fat do not exist.

Succinic acid can be used as a dietary supplement, but it does not reduce weight, so it is not used for weight loss. But, if you follow a diet and exercise physical exercise, then you can include it in the diet.

It will quickly cleanse the body of toxic substances that are formed during the breakdown of fat cells, and improve health, give vigor and strength.

An increase in the tone of the body under the influence of such additives can accelerate weight loss, since a person will have more strength and he will begin to take care of himself more actively.

How to apply in facial care

Since the action of the acid is based on the acceleration of metabolic processes, it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin:

Internal use of amber acid will even out the complexion, make skin covering smooth, radiant and healthy. This product can also be added to cosmetics and used to prepare masks:

  1. 1 g of the substance should be added to 100 ml of a mask, tonic or cream and used in the usual way for wiping or applying to the skin in the morning and evening;
  2. As an independent agent, succinic acid is used as a mask. To do this, you need to crush several tablets into powder and add a little water to make a mushy mixture. This composition is applied to the face. You do not need to wash off the mask, you should wait until the product is completely absorbed. The procedure should be carried out up to twice a week. If the skin is very oily, then masks should be prepared more often.

Such masks are no worse than expensive cosmetics.

How to use succinic acid for a hangover

After entering the body, ethyl alcohol is converted to acetaldehyde. This poisonous substance is concentrated in the liver and is very difficult to neutralize and excreted from the body. If a person accepts a large number of alcohol, the substance accumulates and leads to nausea, thirst, headaches and other hangover symptoms.

Under the influence of succinic acid, acetaldehyde is rendered harmless, thanks to which you can quickly get rid of the hangover syndrome and improve your condition.

To get rid of a hangover you need to:

  1. To accept medicine a few hours before drinking alcohol. You need to drink two tablets at one time. Under the influence of the substance, intoxication will not be too pronounced and the hangover the next day will not be strong;
  2. To get rid of the symptoms of a hangover the next day, you need to drink several pills in the morning and take one pill once an hour during the day. You need to take up to 6 tablets per day.

Relief of the condition after taking the drug occurs within forty minutes.

Possible side effects

After consuming succinic acid, side effects in the form of painful sensations in the stomach, increased pressure in the arteries and increased production of gastric juice.

Instructions for use in floriculture

Succinic acid is also used to improve the condition of plants. To do this, it is used in several ways:

  1. Plants are sprayed. To do this, the tablet is diluted per liter. pure water and sprinkle on leaves and roots. This leads to increased growth of new shoots. Thus, it can be processed once a month;
  2. The roots are soaked. The tablet is diluted in water and the roots are immersed in this solution for several hours. After that, they should dry and can be planted;
  3. They are processed before sowing. You can soak not only the roots, but also the seeds. They should remain in solution for about a day. Then they are dried and sown.
  4. Plants are restored. Flowers can be relieved of the stress they have suffered by spraying the roots and leaves with acid dissolved in water.


The whole world knows succinic acid and has been using its unique properties for a long time.

Food grade succinic acid produced in Russia surpasses all world analogues in purity. Fully corresponds to succinic acid produced in the human body.

Succinic acid is a natural regulator of the state of your body. Your body needs it in case of great physical, emotional - psychological, mental stress, illness. It is indispensable for athletes, miners, pilots, sailors, machinists, drivers, artists and those who just want to feel healthy, vigorous and energetic.

The usual content of succinic acid in your body is not enough.

In areas of radiation, chemical and other pollution, environmental disasters additional consumption of succinic acid is simply necessary. Succinic acid will help your body resist adverse effects.

YaK is a drug with unique properties of regulation of the physiological state of the body .

By the decision of the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Russian Federation M 1-P / 11-132 dated February 8, 1994, the drug is approved for use in the food industry.

YaK is a natural product, it is produced in the cells of animals and plants, is formed as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, and is a participant in metabolism.

Eggs are found in many foods. It is especially abundant in fermented milk products, aged wines, cheeses, black bread, beer, deep-sea shellfish, some fruits and berries.

The influence of the egg on the human body, animals and plants has been thoroughly and well studied.

The action of a substance is not associated with a depleting - "spurring" on any processes, but, on the contrary, ensures the normalization of the work of one of the most important systems - the energy production system of the body.

YaK has long been known in medicine. An indication of its medicinal use was found in the pharmaceutical manual of G. Tager (1889), according to which amber products containing free YaK have long been used for medicinal purposes.

Therapeutic action

Enough detail curative action YaK is described in the collection "Therapeutic action of succinic acid, edited by Professor MN Kondrashova, 1976 Pushchino, combining the work of leading specialists - physicians, biochemists, pharmacologists, physiologists, clinicians.

Especially effective use

The use of YaK with increased physical, psychological stress, after severe debilitating diseases. UC prevents ischemic damage to organs, helps to restore their performance after ischemia, with the development of sclerotic changes in the vessels, kidney, lung and other diseases. UC reduces the likelihood of hypoxic and viral damage to the developing body of a child with pathological conditions accompanying pregnancy. The drug reduces or eliminates the effect on the body of a wide range of toxic substances

YaK is effective when taken in humanselderly, activating the basic physiological functions of the body.

In a normal situation

In a normal situation, 0.05 - 0.5 g per day in one or more doses for 3 - 7 days is enough to achieve a positive effect.

With great physical, psychological stress, alcoholic intoxication, colds, you can take up to 3 g of the drug at a time.

For elderly people, 0.3 - 0.5 g per day is enough to maintain the body in normal conditions. For the maximum manifestation of the tonic effect of the drug, it is most advisable to take it in the daytime. Do not take in the evening - tonic effect

Yak is not a cure

In many cases, when the malaise can be compensated by the body, the drug contributes to this.

So, with a headache and some types of cardiac arrhythmias, it is enough to put a pill or a pinch of the egg under the tongue and painful phenomena in most cases will pass.

When administered orally, 3 - 5 g one time before drinking alcoholic yak significantly reduces the degree of intoxication, the same dose quickly and effectively relieves the hangover syndrome. In all cases, adjust the dose of the egg according to your condition.

An overdose of egg is not dangerous, but the optimal dose is better.

In other cases, after 3 - 5 days, taking 1 tablet (0.1 g) 3 times a day, sometimes on the first day, you will notice an improvement in overall health, vigor, normalization of night sleep. If the effect does not come, it should be increased to the level of 0.5 or even 1 g 2 times a day.

A feeling of alertness with an excessive shortening of sleep at night is a signal of an overdose, and the daily dose should be reduced by half or 1/4.

Having chosen the optimal dose for yourself, alternate 2 - 3 days of admission with 1 - 2 days off. This mode will allow you to maintain an active state for a long time. Everything, even the most delicious and enjoyable, should be in moderation.

For kids

For children, the dose of succinic acid should be reduced 2 - 3 times from the dose of an adult. A large dose for children can cause excessive excitability, impairment of sleep.

UC does not replace drugs for severe disease, but increases their effectiveness.

In the USA, England, Germany, YaK and its derivatives are among the drugs.

In its gustatory and chemical properties, YaK is very close to citric acid and can replace the latter in all cases of its use in food. Abroad, they practice the use of YaK as food additive... It is most widely used for the preparation of soft drinks, sauces, soups and some other products. In this case, its dose is determined only by taste.

Use YAK where you used citric acid before, while the taste remains almost the same, and the nutritional value the product will increase manifold.


Egg is compatible with all food products, it is stored for a long time and does not lose its qualities.

In cooking

For the preparation of fruit drinks and other soft drinks, a pinch (0.01 - 0.1 g) of YaK per glass is a sufficient dose, and this drink will be a real tonic for your body, and even more so for the child's body.

Remember that all carbonated drinks, as a rule, contain a significant amount of citric acid, which removes calcium from the body, which is especially undesirable for children, as well as during physical exertion, certain diseases of the heart and central nervous system, and decreased blood clotting. In all these cases, it is preferable to consume drinks based on YaK.


Yak is not fertilizer

Yak is not a fertilizer - it acts on the living organism of any plant as a natural activator (stimulator) of their vitality. Eggs are easily absorbed when the seeds are soaked, and when sprinkled, they enter the plants through the leaves. The effect of the substance regulating energy metabolism is already manifested in very low concentrations (0.002% solution).

Overdose of the drug is not dangerous, since its excess is not used by plants and microorganisms as a food product. At the same time, experience shows that the maximum effect is achieved when using the recommended dosages of the drug. The earlier in the period of plant growth it is treated with the drug, the longer the effect lasts. Treatment of seeds and young seedlings leads to the consolidation of the action of the drug during the entire life of the plant.

Biological impact

The drug stabilizes the vital activity of the natural microflora of the soil, which is especially important for RESTORING FERTILITY AND CLEANING the sites contaminated with toxic organic substances. P

Pre-treatment of planting material with a solution of YaK or one or two watering of plants during their growth increases the resistance of plants to adverse factors (drought, cold, excess, lack of moisture, insufficient illumination, etc.), reduces the incidence of plants, increases the content in leaves chlorophyll, which manifests itself in more intensive growth and a significant increase in yield.

The drug has a beneficial effect on the activity of soil microflora, providing intensive biological processing of mineral fertilizers.

The use of YaK protects against excessive accumulation of nitrogenous substances in plants when they are excessively contained in the soil.

... The drug does not replace fertilizers, but ensures the active growth of a healthy, biologically complete, environmentally friendly, disease-resistant plant.

The drug provides up to 15 - 20% increase in the yield of root crops, cucumbers - up to 40%. Plants and fruits increase the content of biologically valuable substances, in particular, ascorbic acid, essential amino acids, the amount of sugars and organic acids. Succinic acid manifests itself, in comparison with a wide range of chemical compounds used in plant growing, as. YaK provides a stable receipt of an increased yield of an environmentally friendly and biologically high-percentage product without using an excess of mineral fertilizers.


Does Yak come in pills? powders together with detailed instructions for use. The drug is well stored. In dry form, the guaranteed shelf life is 3 years. Before eating, the egg is dissolved in a small amount. warm water, and then brought to the desired volume with cold. It is advisable to use the finished solution within a few days, then the drug is completely decomposed by microorganisms.

No precautions are required when handling the YAK.


Pollution of the environment by the preparation is completely excluded due to its rapid consumption by the natural microflora of the soil. Exceeding the recommended concentrations of the drug solution for work will not harm your plants, however, it will not give an additional positive effect.


(tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, radishes, beets, turnips, lettuce, flowers, etc.): soak the seeds for 12 - 24 hours before planting or germinate before planting in a ready-made solution.


spray the tubers abundantly with the prepared solution and cover with foil for 2 hours, then you can plant or leave to germinate.


spray the leaves of the plant abundantly with the prepared solution before flowering, the treatment can be repeated. Plants can be processed in later periods of their growth, but the concentration of the solution should be 5-10 times higher, and the processing should be done more often.

In the industrial production of cereals, vegetables, and other agricultural crops, YaK is used in accordance with specially developed technologies.


The body of animals is very similar to the human body and therefore the YaK has the same effect on them as it does on you. For large dogs, the dose of Yak may be the same as for a Human. For small dogs, cats and other pets, the dose of OAK should be reduced in proportion to their weight. The period of application is determined by the external state of the animals. The use of eggs is especially effective in the initial period of life of chickens, piglets, and other domestic animals. Wherein daily dose YaK is taken at the rate of 0.03 g per 1 kg of live weight. Eggs are mixed into feed or bred in a drink within 2 - 3 weeks.

Naturally, YaK is effective for adult animals and birds in the period before and after the appearance of offspring. The dose is 0.03 g per 1 kg of live weight a week before and one and a half weeks after the appearance of offspring. On an industrial scale, livestock and poultry farming is used in accordance with specially developed technologies. It sharply reduces the morbidity of farm animals and allows you to get more environmentally friendly food (MILK, MEAT, EGGS). This is largely due to the decrease or absence of the need for regular use of antibiotics and some other drugs on farms.


1. Is YAK a panacea for all ills?

No, YAK is present in all living organisms and participates in intracellular processes in the body. The additional introduction of UC strengthens these processes.

2. Why haven't you used YAK before?

YaK has been used before, and its action has been known since the end of the last century. The use of YaK was limited by the impossibility of obtaining a pure product. Two factories, one in Russia, the other in Yerevan, have produced and are producing technical nuclear weapons.

Its use in food and animal husbandry is unacceptable and undesirable in crop production.

3. What are the limitations and contraindications in the use of YAK?

Spent over 20 recent years comprehensive studies have shown that there are practically no restrictions and contraindications to the use of UC. However, it must be remembered that UC can increase the acidity of gastric juice, which limits its use in hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenum... A certain alertness should be in people with disorders of the process of falling asleep, they should be advised to take Yak in the first half of the day.

4. What diseases can be cured with acid?

YAK is not a medicine. Yak helps the body to come to a balanced state, increases its protective functions, helps to activate the body's energy metabolism. Drug therapy for many chronic diseases proceeds more intensively against the background of UC, since the drug promotes the activation of the body's own defenses. It should be noted a decrease in the side toxic effect of many drugs on the body, which is characteristic of UC, which is important in case of forced long-term treatment.

5. How does UC reduce the degree of intoxication and eliminate the severe condition of the hangover syndrome?

The uniqueness of the action of YAK lies in the acceleration of the process of "combustion" of alcohol in the body.

6. What is the best way to store the egg?

Eggs are best stored in powder or tablets in a dry place. It is not recommended to store eggs in solution. The solution must be prepared immediately before use.

7. How do you get YAK?

The method of obtaining acid is patented; natural compounds serve as its source. The drug itself is fully consistent with the YaK produced in the human body, animals, plants.

8. Is there age features the body's reaction to UC?

Yes. It has been shown that at a young age, the drug promotes the implementation of the body's reserve energy capabilities, when it is most important for the active formation of a healthy body. In the mature period, the effect of UC is felt only during periods of decline in activity or increased requirements for the work of a particular system of the body. With age, when there is a decrease in the body's defenses, due, among other things, to a weakening of energy production processes,

YAK ensures the maintenance of active life.

9. At what dose of YaK can adverse effects occur?

Since the drug is not toxic, in Russia, as well as in the United States, where the requirements for food are more stringent, its food use is not limited in dosage. However, it should be noted that in an adult, the physiological effect is achieved already from the intake of 0.05 - 0.1 g of YaK, therefore, we consider it inappropriate to take large doses for this purpose. At the same time, in some conditions (drug and alcohol poisoning), it is possible to recommend increasing the dose by several tens of times.

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The first amber room in Europe is located in the Kolonada sanatorium

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Succinic acid in modern world used in a wide variety of medical fields. It is distinguished by general tonic properties, due to which the use of succinic acid helps to significantly reduce the toxic and adverse effects of alcohol on the body. In addition, the specified agent takes some part in the restoration of the processes of nervous regulation. Succinic acid is one of those preparations that are made from components of natural origin.

Instructions for the use of succinic acid

As with most tablet formulations, succinic acid should be taken after meals. In this case, the drug must be washed down with several large sips of not cold water. Before taking this medication, the dosage should be calculated. During the calculation, it is imperative to take into account the disease that needs to be cured. No less important is the age of the patient to whom succinic acid was prescribed.

As a rule, the dosage of the drug by age looks like this:

  • Children under 5 years of age can take the drug three times a day, 0.5 tablets each time.
  • Children from 5 to 12 years old are shown taking this medication 2 times a day, 1 tablet.
  • Patients over 18 years of age can take Succinic acid 3 times a day, half or one whole tablet each time.

Succinic acid is often prescribed during pregnancy. In the first, as well as in the second trimester of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to take no more than 250 mg per day for a ten-day period. In addition, this drug should be drunk 10-25 days immediately before the onset of the labor period. It must be said that self-medication is highly discouraged - before using the beneficial succinic acid directly during pregnancy, you should talk to a gynecologist.

Patients with oncology who use this acid together with other drugs for this ailment are recommended to take 2-3 tablets every day. If there is a great need for this, then the dosage is increased to 5-10 tablets, and sometimes up to 20 tablets per day.

The dosage of the drug may look slightly different if treatment requires it. In most cases, the medicine is used for 1 month. Further, doctors strongly recommend taking a short break and starting a second course of treatment to consolidate the result.

Indications for the use of succinic acid

As stated earlier, succinic acid is used today as part of the complex treatment of all kinds of ailments. Before you buy this medicine, you should study its indications for use, which are as follows:

  • Treatment of joint diseases. Here, the drug is used, of course, as part of complex therapy. Thanks to its properties, blood circulation in the joints is increased, which, in turn, directly affects the leaching of salts. As a result of complex treatment, the patient will feel much better, as inflammatory processes in the joints stop.
  • Phlebeurysm. The fact is that the specified agent has the ability to restore local blood circulation.
  • Cholelithiasis. Here, the drug acts as a destroyer of stones in the body, which are then successfully eliminated.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Taking this drug increases the level of succinates directly in the body, which serves as the prevention of coronary artery disease.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and stomach. In addition, succinic acid is often used in the treatment of severe lung diseases.
  • Poisoning with mercury, arsenic and such harmful substances as lead. Here, the specified drug acts as an antidote.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2. In this case, the drug is used in combination with other agents. Succinic acid is capable of acting on the body in such a way that the active production of insulin begins in it.
  • Oncology. In the treatment of severe oncological diseases, the drug is able to eliminate toxicosis, which often occur in patients as a result of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  • Alcohol addiction. Amber accelerates the breakdown of alcohol directly in the patient's blood, which significantly reduces the duration of the hangover syndrome. Thanks to this, a person begins to experience significantly less cravings for alcoholic beverages. In addition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the blood composition, as well as the general condition of the liver.
  • Treatment and prevention of various degrees of depression. The fact is that succinic acid is a surprisingly effective antidepressant that helps to cope with fears of various origins, as well as stress and irritability in general. The benefit of the drug lies in the fact that it strengthens the nervous system.
  • Elimination of toxicosis on early dates pregnancy. In addition, succinic acid is able to strengthen the health of the expectant mother, protecting her (and the fetus) from various kinds of infectious diseases.
  • Cosmetology. The active substance of the drug can slow down the aging of the skin, whiten it, and also remove all kinds of cosmetic defects (scars, acne) from the skin. For this, the drug is added to various cosmetics.

Succinic acid is very actively used in the complex treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma, which has a chronic course, inflammation of the tonsils, as well as liver ailments such as cirrhosis and fatty degeneration.

Succinic acid price

Succinic acid is medication made from the raw materials that have been obtained as a result of processing exclusively natural amber. Consequently, its price is quite low. Each manufacturer has its own cost of succinic acid, however, these price fluctuations are insignificant.

Succinic acid in tablet form

One of the most common forms of drug release is tablets. Succinic acid is also available in the form of powder, capsules for oral administration and solution for injection, however, they are used much less frequently in therapy. Each tablet of the drug contains 50 mg of acetylamino succinic acid, which acts as an active ingredient. This medication easily dispensed without a doctor's prescription.


The main substance of the drug is nothing more than a natural metabolite, which is produced directly in the human body. Without this metabolite, the functioning of cellular respiration, as well as the conversion of fats and carbohydrates into energy, is impossible. Each system and organ contains a substance such as succinic acid in its cells.

Due to the fact that succinic acid is natural directly for the human body, even its long-term intake will not cause side effects... In addition, taking this medication is not addictive even with fairly long therapy. Despite this, succinic acid has a number of significant contraindications, such as:

  • Stomach ulcer and gastritis. This is especially true for the exacerbation of diseases. The fact is that the drug is capable of irritating the mucous membrane of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Urolithiasis. Due to the stimulation of metabolism in the course of treatment, a more intense formation of unwanted oxalate calculi occurs.
  • Gestosis of pregnant women. This is especially true for severe forms of edema that occur at a later date.
    It is highly discouraged to take succinic acid before bedtime, as the drug can cause insomnia. As a result of taking the drug after a short period of time, the brain is excited, and the action of succinic acid can be called the opposite of the calming action of glycine.

Interaction with other drugs

The specified tool can be successfully used with most other drugs. The only thing that should be noted here is the unwanted intake of medication with anxiolytics and barbiturates. Succinates contained directly in the preparation reduce their effectiveness and therapeutic effect.

Succinic acid is very often present in the complex treatment of infectious diseases - it reduces the toxic effect of antibiotics and other drugs on the patient's body.