The huge benefits and ease of doing neck gymnastics. Therapeutic exercises for the spine from doctor butrimov

The effectiveness of Butrimov's gymnastics in cervical osteochondrosis has already been tested by many people suffering from this unpleasant disease. Invented by a man who has devoted many years of his life to the study of the spine, it helps to dramatically reduce unpleasant symptoms. And with regular repetition - to prevent recurrent manifestations.

About the author of gymnastics

Vladimir Butrimov has mastered many professions related to human health. He is a licensed physician, reflexologist, psychotherapist, qigong therapist, and medical meditation specialist. Initially a graduate of the Rostov State medical university, he continued to gain new knowledge in various fields. He began to get acquainted with oriental practices in 1984. At the same time, he began to accumulate experience in the use of exercises and meditation practices to improve the health of the spine.

Today, Dr. Butrimov has more than 35 years of studying oriental practices and a quarter of a century of using qigong, tai chi and meditation for the purpose of healing and improving effects on the human body. At the same time, the doctor continues to improve, periodically going to study in eastern countries to the best masters of various practices.

Briefly about the disease

Cervical osteochondrosis is a very unpleasant disease that leads to disruption of many body functions. The disease does not have exceptional symptoms characteristic only of him, so sometimes a person has to find out for a long time what is happening to him.

The cause of osteochondrosis lies in the wear of the soft intervertebral pulp, which acts as a shock absorber between the vertebrae. Ossification of the intervertebral pulp occurs due to:

  • aging;
  • poor quality nutrition;
  • improper lifestyle, in which a static position of the body seriously prevails over motor activity.

As statistics show, today ⅔ of the adult population Western countries suffers from clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis to one degree or another. Everyone who has encountered this disease knows how difficult it is to get rid of it.

At the first suspicion of such problems in your life, therapeutic exercises for the spine should appear.

What exercises should be used

Dr. Butrimov's gymnastics is good in that it includes simple exercises that are available to everyone. It does not require special conditions and sports skills. At the same time, it is an excellent prevention cervical osteochondrosis... And when it occurs, it helps to move faster towards recovery. To start gymnastics, stand up straight, try to relax, put your hands on your belt. The first time it is better to do the exercises in front of the mirror, until you fully master them.

  1. Tilt your head towards your right shoulder, feel the neck muscles stretch on the left side. Proceed with caution, movements should be smooth. Make sure your shoulders remain motionless. Return to starting position. Tilt towards the other shoulder.
  2. Tilt your head forward, trying to reach your chin to your chest. It may not work right away. Dont be upset! Gradually, you will certainly achieve this. Ideally, when the chin touches the chest, the face should be in a position that is almost parallel to the floor. Return your head to an upright position and then gently tilt back as far as possible. Return to starting position.
  3. Tilt your head to the right and left without stopping in an upright position. Take your time and feel your muscles stretch.
  4. Turn your head to the right and stretch your head slightly forward. Return to starting position. Turn your head to the left and stretch your head this way. Proceed with caution.
  5. Turn your head to the right and left without stopping in the starting position. At each turn, try to reach the maximum amplitude and, as it were, look behind your back. Make sure that your head does not tilt and your shoulders do not rise.
  6. Tilt your head forward, trying to reach your chin. From this position, turn your head to the right as much as possible, try to see the ceiling. Do the same on the other side.
  7. For the next exercise, pull your head in, as if pulling your chin towards you. From this position, turn your head to the right and stretch your neck. Now with your neck extended, turn your head from right to left in a semicircle. Having turned your head in this way to the left, stop, pull your head in and turn to face forward. Repeat on the other side.
  8. Tilt your head back as far as possible. From this position, turn your head to the right, try to see the floor. Do the same on the other side.
  9. Tilt your head forward, trying to reach your chin to your chest. From this position, slowly raise your head while simultaneously turning and tilting it to the right. As a result, the head should come to a position, as with a simple tilt to the right. Repeat on the other side.
  10. Tilt your head to your right shoulder, then draw a semicircle, tilting your head forward, trying to reach your chin to your chest, and to your left shoulder. Repeat on the other side.

Such gymnastics for cervical takes no more than 15 minutes a day, and brings a lot of benefits. As a result, the muscle corset is strengthened, damaged vertebrae are restored, mobility is restored, blood circulation and the work of nerve endings are normalized. If you do exercises for prophylactic purposes, you can generally avoid the appearance of cervical osteochondrosis, even with constant sedentary work.

Exercise should be done daily, performing each exercise 2-3 times. Act slowly, carefully, calmly, do not make sudden movements. Do not let the crunching of the vertebrae scare you. However, when the slightest pain must stop.

Try to use only the muscles that are needed for the specified movements during the exercise. The rest of the body should be relaxed. Breathe calmly.

You can not start gymnastics during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis. Start only when the pain syndrome is completely stopped. Be sure to check with your doctor if it is possible to perform therapeutic exercises in your condition. Ideally, the exercises should be started under the supervision of an instructor who will select the best complex and correct mistakes in the implementation of individual elements.

Remember that any exercise therapy brings tangible benefits only when performed regularly.

The results will not be visible until after a few weeks of daily exercise. Be patient and persistent and your spine will be young again!

Neck gymnastics does not tolerate fuss. One careless movement - and in a severe form of cervical osteochondrosis with vertebral artery syndrome, a sudden and strong one may occur, leading to impaired coordination of movements and even a fall. One of the best complexes for a problem neck is Butrimov's set of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis... Who is this doctor Butrimov, and why did his exercises win the trust of patients with osteochondrosis?

Butrimov's exercises for cervical osteochondrosis make all the elements of the cervical spine work

Today, Dr. Butrimov, formerly a graduate of one of the sports boarding schools, is considered one of the best qigong therapists and a follower of the traditions of Chinese martial arts. He is also a specialist in psychotherapy and reflexology.

As you know, the problems due to the specifics of this department go beyond the usual symptoms that occur with the same disease, but in a different department. This disease gives rise to:

  • Violations of the blood supply to the brain and its oxygen deprivation
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • Depression, insomnia, self-doubt, panic attacks

Therefore, people who are suffering often become patients of Dr. Butrimov, who suggested optimal treatment with daily exercises that make all the vertebrae, joints and ligaments of the neck work.

Features of Butrimov's cervical gymnastics

What distinguishes this wonderful gymnastics from other complexes?

His complex is not a set of purely automatic exercises, which are enough to memorize and perform:

  1. Doing the exercises of the complex, you mentally immerse yourself in your body, namely in your diseased cervical region, becoming part of a single whole
  2. They are performed smoothly, with muscle stretching, with a wide range of motion. The end of the previous movement becomes the beginning of the next
  3. At the same time, exercises are not done through strength and tension, they should not go through overcoming pain. The rotation or tilt of the neck is carried out to the point of appearance of discomfort and pain, so that muscle tightness does not occur
  4. Neck movements are three-dimensional, that is, they are not carried out strictly in one plane, but in several directions at once

Warning before performing the complex

All exercises performed should be performed smoothly, help to stretch the neck muscles and not cause pain

Before starting the execution of the complex, Butrimov warns that:

  • The person should feel able to do this exercise. At the slightest uncertainty, it is better to refuse it.
  • Initially, exercise can cause slight dizziness, and this should not be feared: over time, they will go away
  • Also, the possible "crunching" in the neck should not be intimidated: perennial blockages are removed in the vertebrae.
  • When performing the exercises, you need to ensure that the shoulders remain motionless: the movement should only be carried out by the neck, crown of the head and chin

Neck Flexibility Test

For those who are not sure of their ability to perform the complex, Dr. Butrimov offers the following test to determine the flexibility of the cervical spine:

  1. Try to tilt your head until your chin touches your chest.
  2. Stand up straight with your torso upright. Look either straight up or with your gaze slightly to the side, while tilting your head back
  3. Tilt your head towards your left or right shoulder. The upper edge of the left or right ear (distant when tilted from the shoulder line) should lie on the same vertical line as the lower edge of the opposite ear (near the shoulder)
  4. Draw a mark on the wall at the level of your nose and face it with your right or left side. Then slowly turn your head towards the mark. If she was right in front of the nose - that's good!

Now you can analyze the totals:

  1. Performing the entire test without difficulty speaks volumes about the excellent condition of your cervical spine and its flexibility.
  2. If the exercises are performed, but "with a creak" - the condition of the neck is good
  3. Half of the assignment failed - flexibility is poor
  4. If you failed the entire test entirely, this means that osteochondrosis has taken root deep enough and reaches with its filthy hands to your very axis of life - the spinal column

What to do in the worst case

Increase the difficulty of the exercises gradually. It is also worth changing the whole old way of life.

Take immediate action and change your entire lifestyle:

  • Start remedial gymnastics, do it every day, slowly turning or tilting your neck one degree more every day
  • In order not to harm yourself, do not try to turn the cervical spine 180 degrees at once, as Dr. Butrimov does. What he shows, you have to achieve, perhaps in a year of training or even more.
  • Do not sit for a long time in a frozen, tense position. Have pity on your neck - arrange small workouts for it, even while sitting at the computer
  • : the food you eat should nourish the depleted intervertebral discs, which, through your fault, are deprived of proteins, essential vitamins, amino acids and minerals
  • Help also your specially designed cervical discs

Dr. Butrimov's exercises are able to return the lost flexibility and mobility to the cervical spine..

Video: Complex for the cervical spine with osteochondrosis of Dr. Butrimov

Dr. Butrimov Vladimir Alexandrovich is a truly outstanding personality. He combined sports, medicine with deep knowledge of the psyche and psychosomatics of a person and developed his own method of treating various abnormalities in the body. Gymnastics for Butrimov's cervical osteochondrosis includes elements of tai chi, qigong practice and deep psychotherapeutic knowledge.

Perhaps this is one of the best spine restoration techniques today!

Its effectiveness is achieved by the interpenetration of the body and mind into each other during the exercise. The technique does not require you to buy expensive drugs and take your word for it; from the very first lessons you will notice the result and fall in love with it. This article has everything from the reasons and secrets of gymnastics to the training video at the end. The most valuable information about your health is already in your hands!

Dr. Butrimov

People like Vladimir Alexandrovich are often asked in amazement: "How did you manage to do so much at your age?" And no wonder, because the track record, frankly, is impressive:

  • Olympic Reserve Sports School
  • medical education
  • education in psychotherapy and medical psychology
  • certificate for "Clinical acupuncture"

Hypnosis, acupuncture, the study of eastern martial practices, meditation techniques, the creation of your own club "Health Qigong". It seems that this person came to this Earth on purpose to thoroughly study the capabilities of the human body and psyche. He has been practicing this kind of practice for 35 years, 25 of which he has spent studying techniques such as qigong, tai chi and the effects of meditation on human health and mental well-being.

What will this complex help to cope with?

It is accompanied not only by pain in the cervical spine, but also by such unpleasant symptoms:

  • headache
  • dizziness
  • blurred vision

This is due to the fact that abnormally-standing vertebral discs begin to pinch nerve endings and blood vessels. This often leads to:

  • oxygen starvation of the brain (due to the fact that a sufficient amount of substances does not enter)
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • depression and sleep disorders

Gymnastics with Butrimov's cervical osteochondrosis will help to gently relieve these symptoms and eventually completely heal.

How is this complex effective?

The Butrimov complex is not enough just to learn and perform purely mechanically. It is designed for a deep study of consciousness through body exercises and will simply conquer you by the fact that:

1. During the exercises, you will immerse yourself with all your attention in the painful spine and feel its interconnection with the whole body.

2. Work the muscles with movements in several planes at once and achieve the maximum effect from the exercises.

3. Stretch all ligaments smoothly and gently.

4. Marvel at the ease of execution of each movement. All parts of the gym are designed to work out painlessly to the point where you feel comfortable.

5. You will enjoy the complex, like a dance, in which the end of one movement becomes the beginning of another.

Adhering to the method of Vladimir Alexandrovich, you will not only heal from osteochondrosis, but also learn to hear and understand yourself better. Make friends with your own subconscious!

Execution conditions

Butrimova is designed for a period of remission. So with acute pain it is better to refrain from it and use simpler exercises or just wait for improvement using various orthopedic devices (roller). It is also not recommended to perform it if:

  • you have a tumor in your neck
  • you cannot do these exercises on your own

And it is easy to test your ability to perform them - try to perform a forward and backward bend, then in turn to each shoulder. Draw a point on the wall directly opposite your nose, step back a little, turn to the point with any shoulder and slowly turn your head towards it. The mark should be opposite the nose. If everything worked out, then there should be no problems!

Okay! Enough to keep you looking forward!

In this video, you can familiarize yourself with and immediately test the wonderful complex itself. Perform all exercises gently and carefully. If at first some of the movements will not turn out as beautifully as with the master himself, do not be discouraged and persistently continue training. Over time, flexibility will return to your neck, and healing energy flows throughout your body will wake up and begin to circulate.

Remember: all life is movement! Remember and be healthy!

Do you constantly feel pain in the cervical spine? Headache often? Perhaps the reason lies in a dangerous disease, which will help to get rid of special gymnastics. This has already helped many people. Ask your doctor about it!

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine- a rather serious disease in which there is a displacement or deformation of the vertebrae in the spinal column. In the neck area, there are many vital arteries and nerve fibers that are closely associated with spinal cord person.

It is the cervical spine that is most active and undergoes intense physical exertion every day, since it is constantly in an upright position. Therefore, with age, the vertebrae in the neck area begin to shift or deform, provoking the appearance of osteochondrosis.

Before using the complex, a doctor's consultation is required.

WITH special complex for the cervical spine of Dr. Butrimov

For the most effective method is remedial gymnastics. It helps to normalize blood circulation in the cervical spine and restore correct position vertebrae.
But at the same time, it must be remembered that independent exercise without the consent of a specialist and the attending physician can only aggravate the situation.

Dr. Vladimir Alexandrovich Butrimov has devoted many years to the study and selection of the most effective movements for the treatment of osteochondrosis with the help of gymnastics. He is not just an instructor in remedial gymnastics, but a psychotherapist, reflexologist and qigong therapist.

For more than thirty years, Butrimov studied various methods for recovery spinal column, while creating your own set of exercises to strengthen the muscular frame of the spine.

This qigong technique appeared as a result of many years of practical research, a method of treating diseases of the cervical spine and, having become quite widespread, has shown its effectiveness.

You should do it at least twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Exercising more often will result in better results, especially if you are working at a desk.

Qigong exercises train the muscles in the neck and develop the joints of the cervical spine. The main rule, which Dr. Butrimov considers mandatory in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, is complete relaxation. Physiotherapy with this disease requires relaxation of the neck muscles, only this state of a person will help to achieve the desired results.

This video is part of a special spine health program.

However, it must be remembered that independent exercise without the agreement of a specialist and the attending physician can only aggravate the situation. Be attentive to yourself and reasonable!

Be sure to ask your doctor about the possibility of using this gymnastics. This gymnastics has already helped many people to begin treatment of cervical osteochondrosis and achieve good results.

CHEAT WITH SODA. 1. Do not pay for an expensive meat softener - this is the same our soda, but in a beautiful wrapper. Do you need the meat to be quickly fried and stewed, and even to be soft? Lip is not stupid, everyone wants something like that. What are we doing? Rub a piece of baking soda and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Before cooking, I soak the meat in running water, remove the remaining soda so that they are not on the spirit. Even an old bullock can be mowed in this manner under a young veal. 2. How to check the baking soda for suitability? If you put out the soda with vinegar, and the fizzy comes on, then the soda has run out. (But don't throw it out: pour it on the bottom of the garbage can, let this remainder still work for the good.) A sealed pack of soda lives 18 months, open only 6. Do not be lazy to replace it with a fresh one and read the expiration date on the pack. 3. I recommend washing fruits and vegetables in soda water - the soda will get where water is not capable of. Don't want your fish to have an unpleasant fishy smell? 2 teaspoons of baking soda per liter of water and wrap your fish or fillet pieces with a towel or napkin in this solution. For an hour in the refrigerator. Rinsed and off you go. Your omelets will be more fluffy if you add soda on the tip of a knife, and soda will also help speed up the cooking of beans, beans. In addition, when you have devoured your chili, whether pea or lobio porridge, you, pardon ma Français, will not get puffy. 4. No yeast in the house? It’s not a problem. Vitamin C or aspirin, do you even have it? We mixed one of the two fifty-fifty with soda to the extent that you needed yeast (until they were exhausted for moonshine). And you know what is amazing? Your dough will not rise until it enters the oven. But already there ... And who likes it when hands, zvynyayte, stink after cooking onions, garlic, fish, knives also smell no better? And we are smart, we will wash our hands with soda instead of soap. We bought a jar of such beautiful pickled cucumbers, and they are so vinegar, solid sourness. Where is our soda? Just be careful - in contact with vinegar, strong foaming will go, so we will put the jar in the sink. 5. I don't like it when the drain in the sink is dirty. What I do from time to time: I pour a few tablespoons of baking soda into the hole on the trap grate and extinguish this case with vinegar. And if it clogs, then otherwise: a pack of salt with a slide and boiling water, this salt (but Pepsi and Cola cleans it best of all). The dishwasher, you might think, will not work without their expensive powder! I make my own like this: I mix 2 teaspoons of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of borax (borax powder). The result will surprise you. By the way, the dishwasher must be treated from time to time for odors with the same soda - sprinkle half a cup of soda on the tray, and then run the machine in a rinsing cycle. 6. Refrigerator, microwave oven, stainless steel stove, coffee makers, juicers, thermoses (tell me what else you need to wash) - I wash it all with soda. The sponges with which we wash the dishes should be thrown away every week and bought new ones - they are the very breeding ground for germs. That's what THEY say. Yeah, I ran away ... I treat my lips with the same soda and keep my sponge in soda water for the night. Soda removes odors very well. Do not be lazy to put a saucer of baking soda in the refrigerator overnight. The dumpster in the kitchen cupboard also likes to make friends with soda once a week. Overpowered by the kitchen ants - sprinkle a strip of soda along the threshold, process all the holes in other people's rooms - they will go away. 7. Yes, it's a fact: our cats both piss and poop. And it smells in the tray. You ask, why in the kitchen? It’s like someone else, but in my lower kitchen cabinet my husband cut a hole for them, and there we have their closet, sorry. And why? And because I know an example when cats did this in the bathroom of my friend, and they always kept the door open. But then the guests came, and on a drunken business they closed the door. People, what happened! Revenge of the cats cost them a change of carpet and parquet. And the smell remained all the same! Let it be ours in the kitchen, and we are cunning - pour soda into the filler, and there is no smell. And the finished perfume is worth wow! 8. Tricky around the house. Scribbled over the whitewash and have a black stripe? Has the child smeared with a wax pencil? If you want, rub it with soda, if you want, sketch it with chalk. Washable wallpapers love soda solution. And it is good to clean carpets and deprive them of the musty smell with the same dry baking soda. Just vacuum thoroughly afterwards. Piano keys often turn yellow. Continue? 9. In the bathroom, almost everything can be washed with soda: from tiles on the floor to tiles, to the ceiling. No deodorant? Soda on your armpits! Don't buy expensive laundry detergents and bleach products. The quality of any of them can be enhanced by adding soda. I use Tide, and I add about a quarter cup of soda. (I don’t throw away remnants either - on a grater and there for the smell. At the last rinse cycle I add a cup of table vinegar, softens the fabric and removes electrostaticity.) 10. Is your first aid kit also in the bathroom? Then we are treated for burns: quickly soda in ice water, moisten a cloth with a burn, and continue to apply until the burning sensation passes. (I still treat burns with raw potatoes and toothpaste). Burnt in the sun? 4 teaspoons of baking soda per cup of water. The child is sick with chickenpox and scratches heavily - make him a bath with baking soda. Cut yourself while shaving? A teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and a cotton swab to heal the cut. Ditto for a bee sting. Diaper rash from diapers in a baby is also treated with a weak solution of soda. 11. Fell down, woke up - plaster cast. Who has not worn, he does not know how sometimes it itches under the plaster of paris until the teeth gnash. People, everything is simple: set your hairdryer to cold mode and manage to blow dry soda under the plaster. But it's better for someone to help, otherwise blow soda into your eyes for a short time. 12. Are you tempted to whiten your teeth? Or are you at risk of periodontal disease? I keep the baking soda and salt, along with my toothpaste, in plain sight so I don't forget. Rub your teeth and gums with baking soda and salt. And whoever wears removable dentures - keep them in a soda solution at night and clean them with dry soda for bleaching. Dandruff, again: Rub dry baking soda into the scalp. Did you know that fixative varnishes are not completely washed out with shampoo? Add baking soda to shampoo. In the toilet: do not buy on the labels of toilet bowl fresheners - you soda it, darling.