Why do you dream about flying? The magic of numbers How to have a dream where you are flying

Flying in a dream can be both pleasant and frightening. Why do you dream of flying in a dream?

Flying in a dream: why do you dream?

Universal dream book

If you dreamed that you were flying without additional devices, in the spiritual sense you have reached a new level. These changes will entail life changes. But at the same time you need to be prepared for some difficulties.

If wings have grown, giving the opportunity to fly, then the person who saw such a dream has acquired inner freedom and undoubtedly made the right decision.

You fly using a balloon, airplane, etc. - it is worth paying attention to the direction and meaning of the dreamed means of flight. When there are some internal obstacles, you dream that it is impossible to take off - analyze your life to free yourself from them.

Flight into the abyss is a fall, you give up something, follow the lead of your weaknesses. Stability - flight in a straight line.

Esoteric dream book

According to the dream book, flying in a dream without extraneous devices means you are using your abilities correctly.

Dreaming of flying on wings or with a propeller means buying technical equipment: a boat, a TV, a car, etc.

Are you flying on a magic carpet, or maybe on a bird? Get ready, there's a long journey ahead.

Eastern dream book

Flying in a dream - why do you dream? If you plan in the endless and cloudless sky, your dreams will come true.

Take falling in flight literally. If you manage to wake up in the process of falling, you will certainly overcome problems.

Disappointment awaits you if you fly on black wings.

Flying by a person under the age of 20 indicates his physical growth. For older people, spiritual and mental growth occurs.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

According to the dream book, flying in a dream means success awaiting you in business. Good dream. It promises wealth, joy, recovery for the sick, and a harvest.

Flying high means changes or delusions. Flying low in a dream - towards the road.

Flying up means good luck and joy. Flying down is a danger of failure. Are you flying very far? This is a harbinger of love or long expectations.

The Wanderer (Terenty Smirnova)

Flying alone in the air - achievements are occurring or awaiting in your personal or professional life, in creativity, in the spiritual world.

Flying too high - pay attention to your claims and ambitions. They may turn out to be unfounded. The collapse of some plans is not excluded.

If you are interested in demonic teachings, you may dream of flying on an animal or on a broom. This indicates loss of soul. It may be the beginning of spiritual temptation.

If you fly on a bed, some unexpected and original twist is possible. Flight takes place in the skies - the dream reports self-knowledge, spiritual revelation. But such difficult events as illness and death are also possible.

For some reason you fly very often. This means progress in spiritual practice.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

To soar very high in the clouds - have a tendency to fantasize, disregard for reality.

The flight ended in a fall - you will have to accept defeat. Increase your efforts for the next flight.

Your spiritual powers awaken if you had to fly under the ceiling.

Act according to the dictates of your heart, ignore the advice of others if you were flying low above the ground in a dream.

Evidence of increased sexuality and increased vitality is flying outside the premises.

According to the dream book, flying in a hot air balloon in a dream is a warning not to miss someone who shows you increased attention. You are on the right track if you are flying on an airplane.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Did you see the sun while flying? Don't be afraid of anything, you're worrying in vain. Everything will be fine.

Take this as a warning if you fly over dirty water. Be sure to pay as much attention to yourself as possible, do not let people around you take advantage of you.

Your wishes will come true if you often see yourself flying on snow-white wings over green thickets.

Did you dream that you were shot in flight? Be prepared that obstacles created by enemies will appear on your path to prosperity and well-being.

Do you fly between cities and for some reason end up on a church dome? You will have to fight for your principles and views. Why do you dream that you are flying over ruins? This is a sign of some kind of failure associated with others, or boredom.

To understand why you dream of flying in a dream, you should use popular dream books. The main thing is to use the work of only experienced, professional interpreters. For example, Miller, Tsvetkov, Loff and other famous specialists.

Flying in a dream in most cases has a positive interpretation. Such an action from night dreams symbolizes the general well-being of the sleeper, his internal growth and development.

  • In Miller's work, flying in dreams is both a symbol of freedom and movement, as well as a hint that a person is far from real life. He constantly has his head somewhere far away in the clouds and refuses to take off his rose-colored glasses. If the flight in the night visions was very swift and literally took your breath away, it means that in reality the man or woman is greatly burdened by some problem. To solve it, you will need to make every effort.
  • In the Islamic dream book, flying is a symbol of power. In the near future, the person will gain power or even become famous. If the flight ends in a fall, you need to pay special attention to your health. Most likely, it is in this area that the sleeper has problems that he simply does not notice in the everyday bustle.
  • According to the Wanderer's dream book, an excellent sign is flying without outside help or any equipment. This plot suggests that a person feels enormous inner strength within himself. He is literally bursting with energy. It is necessary to undertake plans as soon as possible, even if they seem too ambitious. Everything will definitely work out. But flying too high in the same dream book is associated with a person’s excessive conceit. He literally admires himself and his actions, sometimes forgetting about the comfort of the people around him.

Did you dream of a very easy, pleasant flight during which the person did not feel his weight at all? Soon he will be able to fulfill his old dream.

Why do women and men dream about

When an adult dreams of flying, even his gender can influence the result of the interpretation.

  • Thus, a woman dreams of moving over dirty water as a sign of the appearance of a rival in her personal life. The new acquaintance will make efforts to take away her beloved man from the sleeping woman. To win this battle, you will have to actively fight for your love.
  • A man dreams of the same dream as a warning about the increased activity of competitors. If the dreamer has recently started a new business, ill-wishers will try to prevent him from achieving success in it.
  • A woman flying over the dome of a church in a dream is a sign of health problems. The deterioration will come sharply and unexpectedly. Perhaps long-standing chronic illnesses will worsen.
  • Such a dream tells a man that he will soon have to defend his interests and beliefs.
  • A plane flight that ends in disaster warns a girl about problems because of her friend. There is no need to trust others and open your soul to them, otherwise the sleeping woman may become very disappointed in some close person.
  • For a man, a dream with a similar plot promises a whole series of problems in various areas of life.

Fly during the day, at night

Flying during the day without wings is a great sign. It portends development for a person of any gender in spiritual, professional or any other way.

Night flight, which is not easy for a man/woman, is a hint that the sleeper does not feel free. He suffers from someone else's despotism and power.

Flying without wings

If you dreamed of flying without wings, this is a hint to the sleeper that he has reached great heights in his current position. Now you can safely set new goals for yourself and start moving even further.

It is believed that children dream of moving through the sky without wings as a sign of physical growth, and for adults as a sign of spiritual uplift.

What does a recurring dream mean?

It happens that a man or woman often dreams of flying high above the ground, which ends in a sharp, painful fall. This is an important hint for the sleeper. In reality, he constantly makes the same mistakes that prevent him from achieving the desired heights in life. It's time to analyze your own behavior in order to find them and eliminate them.

If a person regularly dreams of a pleasant flight, it means that he is completely satisfied with his current situation. The sleeper managed to achieve inner harmony and overcome all difficulties. He wants to maintain this state for as long as possible.

Flight over land, river, sea

If you dream of flying in the air, you need to try to remember under what conditions this happens:

  1. Did you have to move high above the ground in your night dreams? Very soon the old dream of a man or woman will come true. If, on the contrary, you had to fly very low over sand and grass, then random misunderstandings and mistakes will disrupt your plans.
  2. Flying over a river promises a person problems with finances or the law. If it ends in a fall, then everything will turn out to be a failure for the sleeper.
  3. Flying over a stormy sea in a dream usually occurs on the eve of a new passionate romance.

Flying on a broom in a dream

Men usually dream of flying on a broom at a time in their lives when all the thoughts of the sleeper are occupied with options for revenge on old enemies. The dream suggests that you should abandon your insidious plans. It’s better to just move away from ill-wishers and try to minimize their influence on your own life.

For women, riding a broom in a dream promises a series of conflicts and quarrels in reality. Troubles can arise both in the workplace and in your personal life. If someone you know is on a broom, it is this person who will provoke a large-scale scandal.

To easily understand the meaning of dreams about flying, you need to remember your feelings in them. If a person is easy, pleasant, joyful, and does not experience discomfort, then the plot of night visions will turn out to be a favorable harbinger. Feelings of fear and horror during a flight, on the contrary, suggest that the dream is a warning about possible dangers.

  • Flying on straw is a misfortune for yourself.
  • On the grass - get joy from a friend.
  • On the street - separation from my wife.
  • Flying in a dream can portend happiness (your future rise), a thirst for power born of an inferiority complex, the oppression of unfulfilled desires, including sexual ones.
  • Self-knowledge in flight is evidence of a deep immersion in one’s unconscious, a symbol of a person’s deceptive ideas about his free will and ability to control himself.
  • Flying in the air in the middle of the day means harming someone through your frivolity.
  • Flying up and down alternately is a lot of work, a symbol of your good intentions.
  • To fly from one object to another with a joyful feeling - you should be more confident in yourself and less afraid of people.
  • To fly upward - there is work ahead.
  • To fly down means repentance awaits, awareness of the danger generated by your activity.”
  • To feel within yourself the opportunity to fly and to try successfully is to overestimate your physical capabilities; awakening in you new physical powers that may be dangerous to your health.
  • Flying through the air with a feeling of fear is a serious failure in your career / discord between your will and reason.
  • Flying in the form of an angel or in some transformed form means languor, danger to life or thoughts of death; close age limit of your life.
  • Flying high and barely seeing the ground - wealth, happiness, attraction to a purely spiritual life.
  • Flying over the mountains means overcoming an obstacle.
  • Flying over a calm sea is a danger to life; dangers threaten you in your spiritual development.
  • Flying over a dark and stormy sea is a great harm.
  • Flying over the valley is everyday happiness.
  • Flying over a wild forest means impatience, danger from too much, unreasonably directed energy.
  • Flying over the city - living, immersed in dreams; poetic vocation, dreams of glory.
  • Flying across a river is an awakening of self-awareness, the ability to control oneself, or an ardent desire for this.
  • Daytime flights most often symbolize everyday circumstances or your readiness to fight them.
  • Night flights, flights at dusk or at dawn are strange phenomena in spiritual life.
  • Flying in the moonlight is a hope for happiness, a powerful awakening of supernatural powers in you.
  • Soaring among the stars, having no idea where the earth is, is a dream that arose amid hard work, when the spirit draws strength from unconsciousness.
  • Among the clouds is a thirst for glory.
  • Flying on your bed means strange and unexpected twists of fate; something extravagant and supernatural will burst into your life.
  • Flying on an object that you specifically conjure for this purpose means drawing strength from your own hopes.
  • Flying, lying or sitting on the back of an animal - it is beneficial to use the capabilities and characteristics of your character, knowledge of your self.
  • Flying through the air with children, girls, teenagers means a thirst for mutual understanding, a feeling of loneliness.
  • To soar modestly through the air with your beloved person is to yearn for her.
  • To see a naked woman flying or naked men and women flying - the smoke of lust surrounds you.
  • Flying somewhere with a lot of people is your thirst for freedom and independence / a social disaster.
  • Gathering in flocks with flying people means yearning for like-minded people, not having them.
  • A relative is flying in the sky - a danger to his life or freedom.

In their dreams, people can do whatever they want, even fly. In the real world, not one person can fly into the sky like a bird. But who can forbid this in the world of dreams? Of course, no one. This article will talk about why you have to fly in a dream.

In their dreams, people can do whatever they want, even fly

The dream book offers the following meanings for the image of flight in dreams.

  1. If a person had to fly like a bird, he will overcome all the difficulties that arise along the way. Success in all endeavors - this is the interpretation of this dream.
  2. If a person dreamed that he had to float in the air, this means that he will feel the taste of freedom in reality. Such dreams are often seen by people who have been deprived of freedom for some reason.
  3. Soaring high above the ground in a dream and thinking: “I can fly, I am a bird” means coping with difficulties in reality.
  4. To fly into the air while indoors means to subconsciously strive to escape problems. The dreamer probably feels insecure and strives to gain power and influence.
  5. If a person dreams that he is flying, this means that he will soon experience a feeling of deep affection, and possibly love. However, if the dreamer did not have the delight of flying, the feelings will fade away as quickly as they flare up.
  6. If the dreamer has to rise and fall without stopping in his dreams, this means that he will achieve significant results in his activities thanks to his own work and efforts.
  7. The meaning of this dream for a woman is positive. It is believed that if she first flew on a hang glider, and then jumped off and flew, she would be able to cope with all the failures herself. If at first she was surrounded by people, then offers of help will come, but the dreamer will reject them and easily resolve all her problems.
  8. Flying up in a room means stress and hopelessness.
  9. A man flies in a helicopter over the city - good luck awaits him. He looked out the window and saw beautiful clouds there - there will be happiness in the dreamer’s life.
  10. Flying in the clouds means living in harmony with yourself. Such a dream always has a positive interpretation, because the image of clouds in dreams is always associated with happiness.

Seeing someone fly means living happily. In the coming days, the dreamer will be in high spirits, he will be filled with energy and the desire to accomplish something grandiose.

Fly in a dream: meanings in the dream book (video)

Flying in a dream: why does an adult dream about this?

Perhaps everyone knows that these dreams are often seen by young children and this has a clear interpretation: they are growing up. But if the dreamer is an adult who, from a biological point of view, will no longer grow, how can such dreams be explained? If an adult dreamed of how he soars in the sky like a bird, this may portend the following:

  • All the dreamer’s plans will be carried out in the near future. For example, if he was planning to go on vacation to another country, it’s time to pack his bags!
  • Success will accompany a person at work, in family and in love.
  • If the flight took a long time, this means that the person will have excellent health all year. But if after landing he feels dizzy or doesn’t feel well, then he may have health problems in the future.

All the dreamer’s plans will be carried out in the near future

What does this image mean in Miller’s dream book?

Psychologist Miller’s dream book gives a much less optimistic interpretation of the image of flight. In his opinion, if a person dreamed that he was soaring in the sky, he would have an unsuccessful marriage. Well, if the dream was dreamed by a person who has already tied the knot, his significant other will soon leave him. It is also possible that the dreamer himself will want to break off relations with his life partner.

  • A dream in which a person flies very low above the ground promises him health problems. Such dreams also promise difficulties and fatigue.
  • Soaring over a swamp or dirty lake is a sign of secret enemies. Strong opponents plan to oppose the dreamer.
  • Grief and misfortune will be the main companions of the person who had to fly over the ruins.
  • To notice huge black wings behind you means to experience great disappointment. Perhaps the dreamer will quarrel with his best friend or lose his wallet.

Psychologist Miller's dream book gives a much less optimistic interpretation of the image of flight

If a person is shot during a flight, this is a very alarming sign, foreshadowing serious danger.

Soaring in the air without wings in a dream: what does this mean?

This dream has several meanings:

  1. Flying in the sky without wings in night visions means achieving everything in life, relying only on yourself. But such a dream does not mean at all that the dreamer has no patrons in real life. The main thing that he needs to learn after such night visions is that his ambitions and determination are enough to achieve even the highest results.
  2. But such a dream can also be a hint for a person. What's the hint? Trying to fly without wings means overestimating your own capabilities. A person clearly considers himself better than others, his actions sometimes cause pain to friends and acquaintances. The dreamer is too arrogant and impudent. The dream book recommends being more attentive to loved ones, otherwise they may completely turn away from the dreamer.

Flying in the sky without wings in night visions means achieving everything in life, relying only on yourself

Flying high above the ground in a dream: what is this for?

The person clearly takes his life frivolously and irresponsibly. Perhaps now is the time to learn to take responsibility for your actions and words?

  • But dreams in which a person flies high and soars in the sky like an angel mean that he clearly overestimates his life capabilities. However, if at the moment of high flight the dreamer did not consider his own wings, the interpretation of the dream is the opposite.
  • An extravagant, unusual, perhaps even strange event will soon occur in the life of a dreamer who has decided to go on a heavenly journey. But even despite the non-standard nature of the situation, a person will be able to cope with it and gain valuable experience at the end.

The person is clearly taking his life carelessly and irresponsibly

Fly in a dream over water, sea

When interpreting dreams about water, it is very important to take into account its condition, since the meaning of the dream depends on this. The dreamer must remember exactly what the water was like in his visions: dirty or clean, black or clear, violent or calm.

  • Flying very high above beautiful water means walking on a spiritual path. Perhaps quite recently an event occurred in the dreamer’s life that shook him to the core. It could be associated with betrayal or treason. The man found the strength to forgive the offender. This is what this dream symbolizes.
  • Soaring in the sky above the sea means possible illnesses. If the sea was rough and there was a thunderstorm in the sky, then the illness will be severe and long-lasting.
  • Flying over the ocean and enjoying the view of the beautiful blue water is a sign of unbridled happiness. The more joy the dreamer experienced from the flight, the happier he will be in reality. But if the ocean was stormy, and terrible monsters swam onto its surface, this is a bad sign, foreshadowing stress and a series of troubles for the dreamer.

Laughing while flying over the water means rejoicing in reality.

Why do you dream about flying (video)

Now, knowing the interpretation of your dreams, you can confidently look into the eyes of the future, without fear of making a mistake. You should never neglect the advice of a dream book, as this will help you avoid negativity.

Attention, TODAY only!

In dreams, absolutely everything is possible - and flights in dreams are especially desirable and breathtaking for everyone.

It is difficult to convey in words the feeling of flying, and the most important thing is that it cannot be repeated in reality, except perhaps on an airplane, helicopter or some other aircraft.

Such dreams happen infrequently, and carry extremely important meaning for the sleeping person. However, in order to understand why you dream of flying in a dream, it is worth remembering the details and conditions - they are the ones that influence the interpretation of the dream.

It is important how you flew, what you flew, what you saw around and below you, below. All this has a separate meaning, and only by remembering the details and nuances of the dream, you can ask the dream book why you dream of flying - and get a valuable answer.

The most common options are as follows:

  • You fly on any air transport: airplane, helicopter, hot air balloon.
  • You fly by yourself, as if by magic.
  • Flying on a broom.
  • You fly in the form of an angel or a bird.
  • Fly on the back of an animal.
  • Fly over the water.
  • You are flying in the clouds.
  • You fly from one object or building to another, and cannot hang in the air for a long time.
  • In a dream you fly up and then sharply down.
  • You can also fly alone or with someone.

In addition to the “scenery” and dream conditions, an important role in interpretation is also played by what experiences and emotions you experienced while you were dreaming - fear or joy? This may affect the interpretation of the dream and change it. Let's see why you dream of flying - and what to expect from such a pleasant dream?

How did the flight take place?

First of all, remember how you made the flight. A helicopter or airplane flight is one thing, but magical air travel on a broom is another matter.

1. It will not surprise anyone to have a dream in which you had to fly over the ground in an airplane or helicopter. If you flew with joy, looking down with delight, happiness awaits you.

If you were a pilot on the plane, or it was your own helicopter, this means that you will be the master of your life. Almost everything is under your control; you are at the helm. The helicopter itself means your personal life. If you dreamed of a helicopter that cannot take off, difficulties or illnesses will come in life.

2. Miller’s dream book advises interpreting a dream in which you are lucky enough to fly over land or water, laughing and enjoying the flight, as an expectation of joy, happiness, and the fulfillment of desires. Your inner freedom does not allow any negativity; you are a happy and self-sufficient person.

3. But flying high above the ground in broad daylight - such a dream speaks of your frivolity, a frivolous attitude towards life. Perhaps this is an indication to you of the fact that it’s time to grow up and take responsibility for your own life into your own hands?

4. A dream in which, without wings, you had to fly up and down, take off, and then sink to the ground, indicates your good and honest intentions and desire to work. It will be rewarded, no doubt about it.

5. If you fly up, higher and higher, this means that in your waking life you will have to work hard on something. But it will be a joy for you, and it will also bring very good results in the very near future.

6. As the dream book says, flying down, sinking to the ground, promises danger, repentance, and regret. Think about the steps you take in life, you should be more careful and smarter.

7. E If you dreamed that you suddenly realized the ability to fly without wings, and began to timidly try, make attempts - this is a clear hint that in reality you overestimate your capabilities.

Miller's dream book advises in this case to think about your real capabilities and act accordingly. Otherwise, trouble cannot be avoided.

8. As the dream book says, flying in your dreams, experiencing fear and doubts, is a warning that you will face discord in your career or work, or some serious difficulties in business. But you will overcome them if you are not afraid.

9. If in a dream you fly high for a reason, but in the form of an angel or like a bird, with wings, this is a serious dream, which means a reassessment of life values, thoughts about the great and eternal, a new stage of spiritual development. You may be tormented by thoughts of death in reality, but you will be able to achieve spiritual growth and develop further as a person.

10. According to the dream book, flying on a broom in dreams is a clear symbol of the fact that in reality you have strong hopes for something or someone. And flying on a broom means that you draw your vitality from this faith, it helps you live and move.

However, think about whether you believe in illusions, in what does not exist. Still, flying on a broom is a myth, and you risk getting lost in illusions in reality.

11. Sometimes in your dreams you have to fly high above the ground on your own bed! This means that in reality, something unusual for you, atypical, extravagant will soon arise in your real life. Perhaps some too bright person, or an extraordinary situation.

12. And if you managed to fly on the back of an animal in a dream, this directly indicates that in everyday reality you competently and profitably use your own strengths, talents and knowledge. Keep doing this and you will reach great heights!

13. If the flight in your dreams happened with someone, this is a reflection of your loneliness and desire to receive support, mutual understanding, and help. You need a friend - look for him in reality, around you, but not in your night dreams.

14. But flying in a dream in a whole group of the same “flyers” is a symbol of the fact that you are burning with an acute thirst for freedom; you cannot realize yourself in everyday life.

Where have you been fluttering?

It is extremely important to remember not only the method of flight, but also the “scenery” of dreams - where did you fly and what did you see around?

1. If you flew from one object or building to another, could not hover for a long time without stopping, this means that in reality you are afraid of people, you are afraid of close contact.

2. If you are flying very high above the ground or water, so high that you cannot see the topography of the earth and the outlines of objects, this is a hint of the spiritual world, which occupies you very much. Material things are not interesting to you, but do not get lost in illusions, do not forget that you live in reality, among people.

3. Flying over water in a dream is a warning that you are in danger of getting sick. If there is a rough sea below you, the danger is quite great, but even if you are flying over calm water, be careful not to be overcome by illness.

4. Flying over a river in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you dream of overcoming yourself, of self-awareness, and you are close to realizing your dream.

5. If you are flying over the mountains, Miller’s dream book promises that you will overcome life’s obstacles and remain a winner and leader.

6. But flying over the city symbolizes your dreams of fame. However, in addition to dreaming, it is worth making some effort - do not forget about it. Otherwise, your dreams will remain dreams forever, and you will have nothing left but flying in your dreams.

7. If you were flying in the moonlight in your dreams, this indicates your dreams of great happiness. However, you can strive for happiness, do something for a happy life in reality, and not just get lost in beautiful dreams, remember this.

8. If your night flight took place among the clouds, it is obvious that you crave fame, recognition and universal love. Try to be a little more modest, perhaps your self-esteem is too high.

Flights in dreams are often pleasant, dizzying, and give a lot of emotions. But every dream book will give one piece of advice - live in reality, do not get lost in dreams, no matter how magical they may be.

Try to analyze your night flight, interpret the dream in the correct way and, most importantly, draw conclusions. After all, dreams can not only give moments of joy, but also help build a happy life in reality.

You can do this, you just have to be careful and not take everything you hear and read at face value, without competent analysis and analysis of your particular situation. Author: Vasilina Serova