Where is Andrey Slyusarchuk now? Andrey Tikhonovich Slyusarchuk: biography. Titles, ranks, regalia

1) In the last 2 weeks, during a discussion on the Internet, it became clear that Andrei Slyusarchuk is a fraudster and a charlatan. This has already been said many times in numerous articles, incl. the most popular chess site ChessBaseс and today in the New York Times. In addition, the moderators of Russian Wikipedia significantly corrected the article about Slyusarchuk and now Slyusarchuk is nothing more than a showman, but not a neurosurgeon (see discussion of the article about Slyusarchuk in Russian Wikipedia). An article “Slyusarchuk” also appeared in Lurkomorye. Andrey Tikhonovich Slyusarchuk is a modern Ostap Bender. Both of them are charming, charismatic single scammers and charlatans with a talent for ingratiating themselves and lying elegantly. And the entire widely publicized autobiography of Slyusarchuk himself from the moment he left the orphanage is completely false - his meeting with gypsies, and his prodigy in childhood, and graduating from high school many years earlier than usual, and studying at three universities, and meeting with Chazov, and a doctoral dissertation, and scientific works, and scientific degrees, and work in scientific institutions, and his “unique abilities” for memorization, and “a record for memorizing the number pi,” and his ability to beat Rybka-4 at chess, etc. d. Everything, absolutely everything in his biography, voiced by him himself, from the moment he left the orphanage, known until May 2011. according to his words and confirmed by documents forged by himself, is a lie. 2) And the famous Ukrainian international grandmasters Drozdovsky and Baklan, and famous medical workers, and representatives of the Ukrainian Book of Records, and doctors in Lviv, and representatives of the Chess Federation of Ukraine, and representatives of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, and representatives of the Administration of the President of Ukraine (from the time of V. Yushchenko) , and everyone else (and there were very, very many of them over the last 20 years), when meeting Slyusarchuk, could not believe that they were faced with the living embodiment of Ostap Bender (in his worst manifestations) and could not soberly evaluate Slyusarchuk’s tricks. None of them could believe that Slyusarchuk’s entire biography from the moment he left the orphanage was a lie, and that he obtained some of his positions fraudulently through quackery and the use of forged documents. When it became clear to people that they had been deceived by the fraudster and charlatan Slyusarchuk, they preferred to remain silent, because... they were uncomfortable demonstrating to others that they had been deceived by a talented, charismatic swindler like the last fools. 3) Some (since the English and Ukrainian Wikipedias on the pages of A.T. Slyusarchuk still contain other false facts about him, including about his 3rd higher education, which he allegedly received in some foreign university and that he allegedly has an “outstanding eidetic memory” - all these false facts about Slyusarchuk were posted on Wikipedia either by Slyusarchuk himself or several of his “henchmen”), part of the “facts” of Slyusarchuk’s false biography (which were convincingly refuted in the above topic on Shpil forum and on other Russian-language chess forums in the last 2 weeks), which are now (04.05.2011, 14.00 Moscow time) taken from the “official biography” of A.T. Slyusarchuk, posted by him on his official website and translated from Ukrainian into Russian: 1) “Andrei Slyusarchuk received his secondary education under a special program for child prodigies by decision of the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian SSR from 1976 to 1982” - FALSE. 2) “In 1985, he entered the Russian State Medical University, from which he graduated with honors in 1991, receiving the specialty of a medical doctor” - FALSE. 3) “In 1991-1992, he completed an internship in the specialty of clinical neurosurgery, in 1992-1994 - a clinical residency in the specialty of neurosurgery on the basis of the above-mentioned medical university. 1995-1996, primary specialization in the specialty of psychiatry and narcology” - FALSE. 4) “From 1994 to 1997, he worked as a neurosurgeon and resident at the Institute of Neurosurgery and Neurology of the Russian State Medical University” - FALSE. 5) “In 1997, he was transferred to the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy in connection with entering full-time clinical graduate school in the specialty of neurology” - FALSE. 6) “In 1998, he prepared and defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Comparative analysis of immunomodulatory therapy for the consequences of encephalopathies in acute traumatic brain injuries” and received the scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences” - FALSE. 7) “In 1999, the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Neurosurgery” - FALSE. 8) “In 2000, he entered full-time clinical doctoral studies at the Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology of the Russian State Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, where he continued to work as an associate professor of the department, engaged in scientific and practical activities” - FALSE. 9) “In 2003, after successfully defending his doctoral dissertation in the field of “neuropsychology and neuropsychosurgery” (closed topic), Slyusarchuk was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. In 2005, on the basis of the above university, based on a set of scientific works, monographs in the field of neurology-neurosurgery, psychiatry, neuroreanimation, the title of professor in the specialty of neurosurgery was awarded" - FALSE. 10) "Since March 2006, he worked as an associate professor of the department of the Lviv State Institute of Advanced Modern Technologies management technologies V. Chornovol. In 2006, he was transferred to the position of professor of the department of general legal disciplines" - thanks to LZHI, fraudulently and ingratiating himself with the trust of employees of the Lviv University, but was fired when his fraud was revealed. 11) "Since 2008 - professor of the department of neurosurgery of the NMAPO. Shupik of the city of Kiev" - thanks to the lie, fraudulently and ingratiating himself into the trust of the employees of this scientific institution, but was fired when his fraud was revealed. 12) "From December 9, 2009, he was appointed by the order of transfer to the position of adviser to the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine. Assigned the sixth rank of civil servant" - thanks to the lie, fraudulently and ingratiating himself with the confidence of the former President of Ukraine V. Yushchenko, but was fired when his fraud was revealed. 13) "By the decision of the dissertation council of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated April 14, 2010, based on the public defense of the dissertation, awarded degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in the specialty of neurosurgery" - FALSE. 14) "By the decision of the Attestation Board dated June 17, 2010, the academic title of professor of the department of neurosurgery was awarded" - FALSE. 4) Even more interesting is the period of life before 1998. Place of events: Novoyavorovsk, Lviv region Andrey Tikhonovich Slyusarchuk, a vocational school graduate, possessing a charismatic character, personal charm and hypnotic skills, gained the trust of one of the resuscitation doctors at the local hospital. Using the doctor’s trust, A.T. Slyusarchuk visited the department with him, and was present at operations as an observer Having studied certain medical terms and the communication manners of doctors, A.T. Slyusarchuk began to pose as a consulting doctor to patients of a local hospital. The scammer's first victims were parents of sick children. Considering the small number of residents of the city of Novoyavorovsk, information about “Doctor” Slyusarchuk quickly reached the doctors and hospital administration. In this regard, a meeting of the hospital staff was held and A.T. Slyusarchuk was given a serious warning about his fraudulent actions. Realizing that in a small town there is a very big chance for exposure, A.T. Slyusarchuk moves from the city. Novoyavorovsk in Lvov, where he already introduces himself as an associate professor, neurosurgeon, and psychotherapist. In Lviv, he lived in the dormitory of the State Institution "Lviv Polytechnic". In 2000, a criminal case was initiated against “doctor” A.T. Slyusarchuk. The applicant in the case was the father of the injured twin children. Both boys suffered from a congenital disease of the nervous system, which, according to medical experts, is difficult to treat. A.T. Slyusarchuk, using suggestive techniques, convinced parents that he would cure sick children. As drugs for treatment, the parents were given an unknown medicine, which was allegedly recently developed by A.T. Slyusarchuk’s classmates at the Pirogov Medical University in Moscow. Having warned parents that due to the fact that the drug has not yet been certified in Ukraine, the medicines will be transferred from Moscow in bottles labeled “LIDAZA” (a drug that promotes the resorption of scars and other connective tissue formations). According to experts, in this way A.T. Slyusarchuk hoped that with the help of hyperdoses of lidase it would be possible to achieve the melting of pathological connective tissue formations in the brains of sick children. As a result of the “treatment,” the children’s condition worsened. To the questions and comments of the parents, who began to suspect the “doctor” of dishonesty, A.T. Slyusarchuk reacted extremely emotionally with pronounced aggression. An aggravating circumstance was the 1,500 US dollars that A.T. Slyusarchuk took for this “treatment” from the parents of the injured children. (at prices in 2000, this was approximately the price of a 1-2 room apartment in Lviv. In order to earn this money, the father of sick children worked abroad for a whole year). The expert consultant in this case was the head of one of the neurosurgery departments of the emergency hospital, who completely exposed the unprofessionalism of “Doctor” A.T. Slyusarchuk. But, despite the conclusion of specialists, clear evidence and the submitted dubious photocopies of documents on medical education, the case was quietly closed, and A.T. Slyusarchuk after some time began to conduct “medical” activities again. About a year later the following incident took place. “Doctor” Slyusarchuk undertook to treat a patient with pain in the lower chest. After unsuccessful treatment and deterioration of the patient’s condition, “Doctor” Slyusarchuk decided that the patient needed to be administered a narcotic drug. An ambulance was called for this purpose. A.T. Slyusarchuk introduced himself to the ambulance team as a professor-neurosurgeon and the patient’s attending physician. Using charisma, authoritarianism and other psychological methods of influence, A.T. Slyusarchuk misled the emergency doctor and the patient was injected with a narcotic drug. After some time, the patient died. At the autopsy, a diagnosis of pancreatic necrosis was established, in which the administration of a narcotic drug to this patient was strictly contraindicated. As a result of official proceedings, the emergency doctor suffered, since he bears legal responsibility for the diagnosis made and the drugs he administered. A.T. Slyusarchuk was not held accountable in this episode. It should be noted that in Lviv there are only two medical institutions where neurosurgical operations are performed: the 1st and 2nd neurosurgery departments of the emergency hospital and the hospital of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The total number of neurosurgeons in Lvov is about 50 people. Almost everyone knows each other by sight, but “professor-neurosurgeon” A.T. Slyusarchuk cannot be recognized among his colleagues... The stated facts about the “brilliant treatment” will be problematic for ordinary participants of this forum to document, since no one will tell you present case materials. But anyone who still doubts the reliability of the given facts can call or, even better, go to Lviv and Novoyavorovsk and talk to doctors. Regarding the legality of checking documents by various organizations. The fact is that A.T. Slyusarchuk posted scans of his diplomas on his official website, that is, information about his “education” was disclosed by the object itself, this can be referred to when sending requests to the relevant institutions. As additional information, please attach printed scans of diplomas and certificates provided by A.T. Slyusarchuk to the request on the official website. Special respect to Svetlana Ershova. It was after her exposure of “Dr. Slyusarchuk’s dissertation” that the information on A.T. Slyusarchuk’s official website suddenly changed and the topic of the dissertation immediately became “closed.” But only Slyusarchuk A.T. or his team did not take into account that not a single scientist defending closed topics would post on the Internet, and especially on his own page, a crudely altered dissertation of someone else as his own work. For the sake of humor, I advise you to carefully look at the SPG diploma (DVP No. 042231 issued on June 30, 1993). The fact is that in 1993 there was no longer such a state as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, whose coat of arms adorns the diploma. Just as the Russian Socialist Federative Republic, whose coat of arms is depicted on the seal, no longer existed. Apparently the “supermemory” miracle of the “doctor” does not cover such a long period of history of the post-Soviet space... 5) The whole general picture of a false biography and false “unique abilities” became known to the general public only in early May 2011 (when a “brainstorming” took place in Russian-speaking chess forums after his “match” with Rybka-4, which eventually also included witnesses to Slyusarchuk’s “activities” in the Lviv region in the 90s and 2000s and professional doctors). I am sure that before he went out with “public concerts” and in the media with his fraudulent “records” for memorization and winning chess against Rybka-4, A.T. Slyusarchuk alone could cope with “pushing through” his fraudulent actions. And for “public shows”, IMHO, it was enough for Slyusarchuk to have just a few assistants. Sometimes there were “failures” in establishing contact between Slyusarchuk and his assistants during “public shows,” and then these “shows” failed. In addition, it turned out that absolutely all the articles posted on Slyusarchuk’s website and which he repeatedly called his own in the media are 100% plagiarism and were stolen by Slyusarchuk from the website “Psychological Newspaper: We and the World.” 6) To find out the true biography of Slyusarchuk (including entries in his work book, where he studied, whether he was brought to administrative or criminal liability), an official request to the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine is needed. 7) All “Slyusarchuk’s unique memorization abilities”, which were demonstrated on Ukrainian TV channels, are nothing more than a show in the spirit of “Battle of Psychics”. And those “unique abilities” that were demonstrated to the public were carried out with the help of his assistants. Slyusarchuk lies like he breathes. Slyusarchuk’s story that his parents died in a car accident near the city of Kalinovka, Vinnytsia region, is not true. There is no evidence that Slyusarchuk is even from Vinnitsa, because He has no relatives in Vinnitsa and no one knows either him or his parents there. Many people in Ukraine have known for a long time that Slyusarchuk never studied at the Moscow Medical Institute and never worked as an operating neurosurgeon, just as he does not work as an operating neurosurgeon now. The statement that the surgeons gave him a standing ovation is untrue. One of the latest facts of Slyusarchuk’s lies is that during the press conference in Vinnitsa mentioned above in the article, he announced a certain “Sinelnikov’s schizophrenia” (Sinelnikov born 1966. and it has nothing to do with the study of schizophrenia issues). Well, what can we even talk about when it has now become clear that for the sake of the beauty of his “legend” Slyusarchuk “buried” his parents in a car accident near the town of Kalinovka, Vinnytsia region. Which actually didn't happen. It’s not that Slyusarchuk reported the wrong location of the tragedy, but in general his parents did not die in a car accident. 8) There is not a single documentary evidence that Slyusarchuk actually cured anyone. Incl. there are no names of children with autism who, thanks to his “unique abilities,” were helped by Slyusarchuk. In addition, there is not a single name of the person to whom Slyusarchuk allegedly performed operations as a “neurosurgeon doctor.” Those. In general, there is nothing documentary confirming Slyusarchuk’s “unique abilities”. Nothing at all except public statements by Slyusarchuk, his anonymous assistants and those who refer to what Slyusarchuk or his anonymous supporters said. Slyusarchuk not only doesn’t care about children with autism, but he doesn’t care about his parents (whom he personally “buried” in a car accident). 9) In general, this is a global question about scammers - how to prove what they have declared about themselves in numerous TV programs, newspaper interviews and public appearances for many years. At any moment, a fraudster who will sooner or later be caught in a lie will say that he did not say it or that he was misunderstood. Slyusarchuk has repeatedly stated in the media different dates for graduating from high school - at 9 years old, at 10 years old, at 11 years old, at 12 years old and 13 years old (on the Internet you can find all these materials, as well as materials with different dates of admission to universities, different years of defending a candidate's and doctoral thesis, a different number of higher educations - one of the latest materials already talks about 4 higher educations). Slyusarchuk also said that he has a pilot’s license and treats his lack of fear by flying on a Yak-52 plane in Lvov, and in Canada, according to Slyusarchuk, there are a lot of oligophrenics. In some interviews he said that he was born in Vinnitsa, in others - in Zhitomir. And in general, if we compare his numerous public statements over the past 5 years, we can conclude that Slyusarchuk has an exceptionally poor memory, who for so many years could not even remember his “legend” and constantly says things that do not coincide with what he said about himself earlier. 10) The page on the social network “VKontakte” (the page is called “genialnuj_doktor”) is the page of Slyusarchuk A. T. and currently there is also a link to his official website www.cerebrum.org.ua (which Slyusarchuk closed under the weight of revelations against him). Until the beginning of May 2011, when revelations of Slyusarchuk’s false biography began on chess forums, he systematically personally communicated from the specified page on VKontakte, including. and with journalists who invited him to various TV programs and did interviews with him for newspapers and websites. In particular, after initial communication with journalists on VKontakte, Slyusarchuk told them his personal mobile phone number: +38067 671-21-82. Currently (05/13/2011) Slyusarchuk as a public figure (about whom there were a huge number of TV reports and materials in newspapers and websites back on 04/27/2011 after the show with Rybka 4) has essentially “gone underground” - he has deleted all information from his official website and closed access to him, deleted all comments on the VKontakte page, his Facebook page stopped updating, stopped giving interviews, and on May 13, 2011 he did not show up at all to the widely advertised online conference in Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine, because apparently he has nothing to essentially answer the questions that were asked to him and exposing his false biography, the imaginary presence of a unique memory, etc. 11) Detailed information about Slyusarchuk’s deceit is summarized on the Shpil forum in the topics “Andrey Slyusarchuk. Our investigation” (http://chessglum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=945) and “Dubious documents and plagiarism of Slyusarchuk” ( http://chessglum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=932). 12) I believe that Slyusarchuk, as a fraudster and charlatan (who does not have a single scientific article, not a single scientific book, does not speak a single foreign language by the age of 40, has not participated in any scientific conference, is not a member of the Ukrainian Society of Neurosciences), is better All this is characterized by the information on his English-language website "World neuro center" about himself in the section "About professor" (http://wnc.at.ua/index/0-2), I quote translated into Russian: "He found a solution to such problems such as autism, all types of coma, schizophrenia and many other areas. Also, the professor practically knows the solution to the problem of cancer. The uniqueness of the professor is also in his excellent knowledge of all 130 areas of medicine (an ordinary physician knows 1-2 areas of medicine), therefore the scientific community calls "third in history after Da Vinci and Tesla" in medicine and science in terms of its pace of development, he already has enough inventions to be nominated for a Nobel Prize.

Recently, the entire Internet was filled with messages about the sensational exposure of the pseudo-neurosurgeon Andrei Slyusarchuk. In fact, the genius of hypnosis Andrei Slyusarchuk, who was also a professor of neurosurgery, turned out to be just an ordinary rogue and charlatan.

Every day from 2010 to 2011, Internet users watched videos and interviews with Andrei Slyusarchuk, who constantly demonstrated his extraordinary abilities.

Today I would like to analyze the personality of a fraudster known throughout Ukraine from the point of view of system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan.

According to system-vector psychology, Slyusarchuk is an anal-cutaneous-muscular sound with orality.

Phenomenal memory is the first trump card

Usually, for a person not familiar with the theory, such a set of vectors is simply an incomprehensible term. In my article I would like to shed light on the personality of a fraudster through system-vector psychology.

In an interview, Slyusarchuk once mentioned that after the death of his parents, he ended up in an orphanage and a psychiatrist tried to diagnose him with schizophrenia, but the symptoms were not completely appropriate. (The boarding school in Zhitomir where he studied was for children with disabilities.)

Next, Slyusarchuk began to talk about his difficult childhood. He presented himself as a child prodigy. According to the mythical, as it turned out later, biography, which was distributed by the fraudster, already at the age of 12 he received his first higher education.

According to the Wikipedia website with reference to other media, Slyusarchuk “under the patronage of Chazov entered the Moscow Medical Institute. Pirogov to the Faculty of Medicine. He specialized at the Department of Neurosurgery under the guidance of Professor Gusev. The teachers were famous scientists in the field of neuroscience: Karlov, Wayne, Konovalov. At the age of 18, he graduated from the institute and immediately, by decision of the academic council, was sent to graduate school, without undergoing an internship. Having become a graduate student, I wrote my PhD thesis in a year and a half. »

From the very beginning of his career, Slyusarchuk positioned himself as a genius with superpowers. To be fair, it should be noted that his record for memorizing 30,000 digits of Pi was allegedly included in the Guinness Book of Records. At the same time, a representative of the book of records claimed that no fraud was noticed with Andrei Slyusarchuk.

Although it was assumed that the pseudo-professor used a miniature flesh-colored microphone in his work, and the person on the other end of the line simply dictated numbers.

Confirmation of such suspicions was nevertheless found. The micro-earphone was developed in Japan using nanotechnology. It can be purchased online. Later the fraud was exposed http://www.expres.ua/main/2011/10/24/52807

But later it turned out that all of Slyusarchuk’s diplomas were fake. Journalists managed to find evidence. In particular, the editor-in-chief of the Express newspaper received this response from the Russian National Research Medical University. Pirogov (formerly Pirogov Russian State Medical University)

It is clear from the letter that Slyusarchuk never studied at a Russian university.

This is what the Express journalist says about her first conversations with him: “During the four-hour conversation, many facts alarmed me. I felt that the answers were not always adequate. However, this could be “attributed” to some eccentricity of the interlocutor. There was nothing surprising in this, because in practice I knew: scientists are geniuses in big things, but in small things they are like children. The only thing that was surprising was how a person with a phenomenal memory during a conversation confuses only the information received and the dates and years of his biography. Actually, it was the answer based on biographical data that alerted me as a journalist.

All these facts indicate skin fraud. For archetypal leather workers, the main thing is to get benefits - benefits for themselves. It is leather workers who have nimble fingers and a flexible psyche. In their archetypal state they are opportunists, thieves and swindlers. They are excellent card sharpers and thimble holders. Under their sensitive fingers, any marked card gives itself away. In addition, they are very dependent on adrenaline. They can easily put all their chips on the line, and with them their own lives. Sometimes skin sound guys create bigger scams. For example, a huge scam with MMM and others.

In fact, as it turned out from a journalistic investigation, Slyusarchuk studied at two vocational schools. By one education he was a tiler and plasterer, and by another a tailor. Such professions are typical for carriers of the anal vector.

They are the ones who have golden hands and focus on details. They do everything with perfectionism when they develop correctly, but, unfortunately, Slyusarchuk could only transform from a tailor to a neurosurgeon with the help of fake diplomas.

The previous President Viktor Yushchenko met with Slyusarchuk and at this meeting the prospect of creating a brain institute, which dreamed of creating a pseudogenius, was discussed. But Slusarchuk never received funds from the state.

After this, he repeatedly threatened to leave the country because he allegedly constantly received offers to work abroad. The ability to get out and carry out various kinds of advances with higher officials is already a property of the skin vector.


This is how boarding school psychologist Nelya Vitalievna Romanyuk recalls Slyusarchuk’s passion in medicine: “It is as it is: Andrei did not remember everything well, was absent-minded, did not read well, but he really loved everything related to medicine. He often tried to deceive that the patient was sick (manifestation of the skin vector) so that he would be sent to a first-aid post or hospital. We all knew about this." ttp://www.expres.ua/main/2011/10/06/5140 9

As you know, each vector has its own additional desires. A person is born with certain qualities that can satisfy his natural desires. Another thing is that a person may, for certain reasons, not develop accordingly.

The driver for the emergence of voids in the sound vector is egocentrism which is typical for all sound artists. Instead of being filled with a constructive idea, the scammer used people's trust to achieve his goals. In his egocentrism, the sound artist may well pretend to be almost the Lord God.

Sound induction and the ability to impose his views on others through the oral desire to find ears that were supposed to listen and believe his every word did their job.

This is what a teacher from a boarding school, whom Express newspaper journalist Svetlana Martynets met during the investigation, remembers about him: “Andryusha was in second grade for eight or nine years. The nose is dirty, an unhappy, nervous child, he hardly studied. The truth is it’s bitter - all our children are like that. When I saw him on TV, at first I doubted that it was our Andreika, but when he shouted “be quiet,” I immediately recognized him. He was just as nervous and screamed as a child,” recalls Liliya Vasilyevna Shvetsova, a teacher at a special boarding school.

»Http://www.expres.ua/main/2011/10/06/51 409

This characterization of Slyusarchuk also indicates a sound vector. He never managed to develop his sound. His egocentrism wanted to be on top. He was on edge and wanted to survive at all costs.

In the terrifying emptiness of unhealthy sound egocentrism, where there is only one’s own “I,” the sound artist feels like a superman. As the sense of illusion around him increases, he increasingly loses touch with real people. They become pawns that can be controlled and made victims of their experiments for the triumph of the idea that Slyusarchuk was obsessed with - to make himself a brilliant neurosurgeon.

Everyone who has at least once seen programs with Slyusarchuk on TV probably asked themselves the question: “Who is he a genius or a crazy fanatic?”

The fanatic complex is characteristic of a person with a skin and sound vector, you can read about it
Moreover, fanatical conviction in words and ideasprovides the sound vector with the ability to induce. He himself did not deny his abilities and said: “I ran away from the boarding school, went to Moscow, lived a little with the gypsies. They taught me how to steal and hypnosis. »

Later it turned out that he did not run away anywhere, and this is also a lie.

The oral vector helped Slyusarchuk lie masterfully. Verbal intelligence, when the word literally precedes thought, allows a person to think by speaking. The oral vector has a natural ability for true induction; its very specific role as a herald implies that this is the person whom one cannot help but hear and listen to.

The oral speaker comes up with many different details on the go that may interest the interlocutor. Since the oralist has the gift of “calculating” a person’s subconscious shortcomings, his “romantic tales” about escaping from a boarding school were primarily intended for emotional and self-hypnosis viewers. They would undoubtedly have been amazed by such a “fascinating” biography of the great hoaxer. If an oral speaker is developed, then the fate of an orator awaits him, and if not, then he often takes pleasure in his own inventions. The main thing is that they listen to him. He speaks quickly so that his opponent does not begin to analyze what he said.

Thanks to Slyusarchuk’s oral and sound vectors, he successfully “programmed” people with a visual vector. As you know, viewers are capable of instilling in themselves a large number of beliefs; they often believe in signs, prophecies, and go to fortune-tellers and psychics.

Such hypnotizable spectatorsand used Slyusarchuk for his sessions.

His rapid career can be called a miracle, but not everything went as smoothly as the hero of the article thought.

As it turned out, according to an investigation conducted by the Lvov newspaper Express, Slyusarchuk was engaged in medical practice underground. In addition, on the Internet you can find a large number of recordings in which Slyusarchuk conducts hypnosis sessions.

The fact that Slyusarchuk really had the ability to induce people orally is beyond doubt. After all, oral induction leads to the listener unconditionally believing every word he hears. But, unfortunately, oralists abuse this ability not only to save others during any disaster, as is inherent in its species role.

People like Slyusarchuk use the fact that people believe them for their own mercantile purposes. Slyusarchuk, for example, managed to deceive not only his patients, but also the President of the country.

Slyusarchuk was able to receive the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education in 2011 from the hands of the President of Ukraine. Slyusarchuk also managed to defend his dissertation and, based on the totality of his scientific works, received the title of professor. He allegedly received another education in an extremely short period of time at the Russian State Medical University. Pirogov

Everything would not have been so serious if innocent people had not left Slusarchuk’s “treatment” for another world. They became victims of PR, which Slyusarchuk successfully supported with the help of the patronage of influential people and promotion in the media.

Under the patronage of high-ranking officials, former Minister of Health of Ukraine Vladimir Polishchuk allowed Slyusarchuk to be the third assistant in operations. However, doctors who observed Slyusarchuk’s reaction during the operation stated that he “did not know what a wound was and did not know how to hold a scalpel.”

Victims of the evil genius

In addition, as it became known, he carried out operations underground, misleading gullible people.

Andrey Slyusarchuk still worked at the Lviv Polytechnic University part-time. He also had an “office” for reception there.

His first victim was Andrei Mikita. This is how the boy’s parents recall how they saved their son from the “services” of a pseudo-doctor: “In the room, our son was lying under an IV, which Slyusarchuk put on him. The son was strange. He didn’t recognize us, he was horrified by everything, his eyes were fixed on the ceiling, he didn’t react to voices, he trembled like a zombie, he barely said: “yes, no.” Look, look what evil spirits they gave to our son"

The boy was later taken to the hospital on the verge of suicide. Another woman died of non-existent cancer. The victim’s son paid $4,000 for the prescribed drugs.

The most offensive thing is that evidence of not all of Andrei Slyusarchuk’s crimes was found. Today he is under investigation and awaiting trial.

Skillfully manipulating scientific terms, Slyusarchuk brought his terrible ideas to life.

The sound ego, which has established itself as an out-of-the-ordinary genius and arbiter of destinies, the archetypal state of the skin vector and the magnificent combination of oral and sound induction made Slyusarchuk one of the most scandalous swindlers of our time. People were pawns for him to realize a sound idea. Of course, his actions were justified for himself. By connecting the human body with the suffering of the soul, he apparently believed that he was doing good to people.

Each of us can find a rationalization for our terrible actions, and the pseudo-professor did this. It's just a shame that innocent people became victims.

Andrey Tikhonovich Slyusarchuk(born May 10, 1971, Zhitomir, Ukrainian Andriy Tikhonovich Slyusarchuk) is a famous charlatan. He gained fame thanks to his performances in various shows, where he allegedly claimed the ability to reproduce large amounts of data, sequences of geometric shapes, text words and other information from memory, as well as supposedly carry out complex mathematical calculations in his head at high speed. In one of these shows, on April 27, 2011, he allegedly beat one of the strongest chess programs “Rybka 4” blindfolded. He repeatedly called himself a doctor of medical sciences, a neurosurgeon, and claimed that he performed neurosurgical operations. Nicknamed "Doctor P".

The Guinness Book of Records did not record Slyusarchuk’s abilities as world records. In particular, the world record for memorizing numbers is orders of magnitude more modest than those attributed to Slyusarchuk, and belongs to the Chinese Liu Chao (2005). Professional chess players, including grandmasters Alexei Shirov, Alexander Khalifman, Sergei Shipov, Mikhail Golubev, responded mostly sharply to the show match with the chess program “Rybka 4”, calling it initially a hoax.

Despite this, Slyusarchuk managed to achieve some recognition from senior Ukrainian officials. On June 23, 2009, he met with then-President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, who congratulated him “on setting a new world record for memorizing and reproducing an extremely large amount of information by a person.” On December 22, 2009, Yushchenko held a meeting with Slyusarchuk, during which he discussed with him the idea of ​​creating a “Brain Institute”. On September 20, 2011, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych signed a decree awarding Slyusarchuk the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education for 2011.

According to a special investigation by journalists from the Express newspaper, which made it possible to publish real truthful facts, Slyusarchuk did not have and does not have the phenomenal abilities attributed to him, and during various performances he only demonstrated magic tricks. According to the newspaper, the biography of Slyusarchuk, which he distributes about himself, does not correspond to reality: in particular, his diplomas of medical education are fake; instead of the Russian State Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov, Slyusarchuk studied in 1987-1989 at PTU-17 named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union I. N. Boyko (now the Interregional Higher Vocational School of Railway Transport) in Kozatin (Vinnitsa region) with a degree in plasterer-tiler-cladding. In an interview with other sources, the heads of the vocational schools and special boarding school mentioned by Express (where journalists found witnesses who remember A. Slyusarchuk) stated that they did not have documents about A. Slyusarchuk’s training with them. In an interview with the ICTV channel, the fact that Slyusarchuk studied at a vocational school was confirmed (and showed a photo of Slyusarchuk among vocational school students) by Andrei Naumchuk, who entered the vocational school with him, and had previously studied with him in a special school.

According to the same investigation, Slyusarchuk did not perform legal neurosurgical operations in any of the hospitals in 24 regions of Ukraine.

Journalists from the Express newspaper accused Andrei Slyusarchuk of a series of serious crimes committed during the practice of medicine on the basis of falsified documents: bringing people to death, making false diagnoses for the purpose of extorting money, trading in Russian medicines at many times inflated prices, smuggling of prohibited psychotropic drugs .

At the end of October 2011, a criminal case was opened against Andrei Slyusarchuk under Article 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (“Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, their sale, use of forged documents”). Subsequently, a second charge of fraud was brought. By a court decision of November 17, 2011, Slyusarchuk was arrested. Law enforcement agencies began to check the grounds for awarding Slyusarchuk the State Prize of Ukraine.

Officials of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine have repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of Slyusarchuk’s documents, including those that raise doubts among journalists. The journalists, in turn, accused the Minister of Education and Science D.V. Tabachnik of endorsing forged documents and appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office with a demand to initiate a criminal case against the minister.

After his release from the Lvov pre-trial detention center, the notorious “Doctor P” Andrei Slyusarchuk continues to demonstrate hypnosis. Slyusarchuk provided a video recording of a speech on July 12, 2016 near Kiev in a camp for children from the ATO zone to TSN.

“Now I am demonstrating hypnosis of animals. Now the rabbit is in a hypnotic state, that is, catalepsy. In this state, the animal can be operated on. The animal is immobilized and is in an unconscious state,” says Slyusarchuk. After the performance, "Doctor P" returned the rabbit to its normal state.

Private bussiness

Born on May 10, 1971 in Zhitomir. He studied in 1987-1989 at Vocational School-17 named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union I. N. Boyko (now the Interregional Higher Vocational School of Railway Transport) in Kazyatyn (Vinnytsia region) as a plasterer-tiler-tiler.

  • 1985 - (14 years old!) allegedly entered the Russian State Medical University. N.I. Pirogov to the Faculty of Medicine. By the way, Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov actually entered the medical faculty of Moscow University at the age of 14. Surely not a coincidence.
  • 1992 - (21 years old) allegedly entered St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Medical Psychology.
  • 1998 - (27 years old) allegedly defended his PhD thesis in the Russian Federation.
  • 2002 - (31 years old!) allegedly defended his doctoral dissertation in the Russian Federation.
  • 2005 - (34 years!) allegedly awarded the title of professor in the Russian Federation.
  • 2010 - (39 years old) received the title of professor in Ukraine.

Family and connections


Family Mother, Natalya Tikhonovna Slyusarchuk
Close connections * Viktor Yushchenko - third President of Ukraine, patron
  • Vladimir Kashpirovsky - psychic, mentor

Private bussiness

His television calls him differently: Doctor of Medical Sciences, neurosurgeon, professor of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", professor-neurosurgeon, professor of neurosurgery, psychic scientist, neurosurgeon-neurologist, neurosurgeon-neurologist, clinical psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, clinical psychoanalyst, neuropsychologist.

He gained fame thanks to his performances in various shows, in which he claimed the ability to reproduce large amounts of data, sequences of geometric shapes, text words and other information from memory, as well as carry out complex mathematical calculations in his head at high speed. In one of these shows, on April 27, 2011, he allegedly beat one of the strongest chess programs “Rybka 4” blindfolded. He repeatedly called himself a doctor of medical sciences, a neurosurgeon, and claimed that he performed neurosurgical operations. Nicknamed "Doctor P".

The Guinness Book of Records did not record Slyusarchuk’s abilities as world records. In particular, the world record for memorizing the number π is orders of magnitude more modest than those attributed to Slyusarchuk, and belongs to the Chinese Liu Chao (2005). Professional chess players, including grandmasters Alexei Shirov, Alexander Khalifman, Sergei Shipov, Mikhail Golubev, responded mostly sharply to the show match with the chess program “Rybka 4”, calling it a hoax.

Student Corruption Case

On December 17, 2011, the Korrespondent.net portal, with reference to TSN, reported that in addition to document fraud, a case could be brought against Andrei Slyusarchuk for corrupting students.

“The pseudo-doctor allegedly organized a real sex business. He allegedly gave psychotropic pills to young men who were promised psychological help. And he organized orgies,” the report said.

During a search in his house, according to journalists, they found a DVD with young people they knew playing porn stars. “There is an assumption that the pseudo-doctor supplied live goods to high-ranking officials,” journalists noted.

Doctor P and Turchinov

According to Turchinov, at that time the Presidential Secretariat was preparing the creation of Slyusarchuk’s project – the Brain Institute. “The Presidential Secretariat was currently preparing a decree on the creation of the Brain Institute, and I was asked for a person to temporarily work in the government.”

He also notes that he himself had little contact with Slyusarchuk. “I saw him literally several times. Once - when I was hired. The second time - probably in the corridor of the Cabinet of Ministers... literally 5-10 minutes, when we were talking in the office, the man said that he was an orphan, he achieved everything on his own. Of course, this is captivating. He said that earlier than everyone else, he graduated from medical school and became a doctor and professor. That is, there was such information. Moreover, I took the book, looked at the page, and after a couple of minutes tried to quote it. That is, I tried to demonstrate the serious abilities of my brain,” says the ex-minister.

However, not only Turchinov was impressed by Slyusarchuk’s talents. Also in 2009, then-President Viktor Yushchenko met with “Doctor P” and, following a two-hour conversation, signed the document on the creation of the notorious Brain Institute.

Doctor P and Yushchenko

Despite this, Slyusarchuk managed to achieve some recognition from senior Ukrainian officials. On June 23, 2009, he met with then-President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko, who congratulated him "on setting a new world record for memorizing and reproducing an extremely large amount of information by a person." On December 22, 2009, Yushchenko held a meeting with Slyusarchuk, during which he discussed with him the idea of ​​creating a “Brain Institute”. On September 20, 2011, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych signed a decree awarding Slyusarchuk the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education for 2011.

No one has done as much in my life as Viktor Andreevich in five minutes. Firstly, he called Leonid Chernovetsky and asked him to help me with the apartment. In my entire life I have never owned anything of my own. It’s difficult to earn an honest living with your mind and hands... Although, as an orphan, I must receive housing from the state. And when I started talking about my scientific achievements, about my desire to create a Brain Institute in Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, like no one else, was sympathetic to this idea. He asked me: “Stay in the country! Ukraine needs you, – Slyusarchuk

Doctor P and Tabachnik

Phenomenal adventurer

According to a special investigation by journalists from the Express newspaper, Slyusarchuk does not have the phenomenal abilities attributed to him, and during various performances he only demonstrated magic tricks. According to the newspaper, the biography of Slyusarchuk, which he distributes about himself, does not correspond to reality: in particular, his diplomas of medical education are fake; instead of the Russian State Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov, Slyusarchuk studied in 1987-1989 at PTU-17 named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union I. N. Boyko (now the Interregional Higher Vocational School of Railway Transport) in Kazatin (Vinnitsa region) with a degree in plasterer-tiler-cladding. In an interview with other sources, the heads of the vocational schools and special boarding schools mentioned by Express (where journalists found witnesses who remember A. Slyusarchuk) stated that they did not have documents about A. Slyusarchuk’s training with them. In an interview with the ICTV channel, the fact that Slyusarchuk studied at a vocational school was confirmed (and showed a photo of Slyusarchuk among vocational school students) by Andrei Naumchuk, who entered the vocational school with him, and had previously studied with him in a special school.

According to the same investigation, Slyusarchuk did not perform legal neurosurgical operations in any of the hospitals in 24 regions of Ukraine. Journalists from the Express newspaper accused Andrei Slyusarchuk of a series of serious crimes committed during the practice of medicine on the basis of falsified documents: bringing people to death, making false diagnoses for the purpose of extorting money, trading in Russian medicines at many times inflated prices, smuggling of prohibited psychotropic drugs .

Criminal record

At the end of October 2011, a criminal case was opened against Andrei Slyusarchuk under Article 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (“Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, their sale, use of forged documents”). Subsequently, a second charge of fraud was brought. By a court decision of November 17, 2011, Slyusarchuk was arrested. Law enforcement agencies began to check the grounds for awarding Slyusarchuk the State Prize of Ukraine].

Officials of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine have repeatedly confirmed the authenticity of Slyusarchuk’s documents, including those that raise doubts among journalists. The journalists, in turn, accused the Minister of Education and Science D.V. Tabachnik of endorsing forged documents and appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office with a demand to initiate a criminal case against the minister.

Exposing Doctor P

Retraining diploma

Diploma of professional retraining

Duplicate Russian diploma





Andrey Slyusarchuk became a professor by legalizing his Russian diplomas in Ukraine on the basis of a false certificate stating that he allegedly studied in Russia, confirmed by the following documents:

Request to the Higher Attestation Commission

Doctor of Science Diploma

Under this decision is a completely different document

Response from a Russian university to the Express newspaper

But, as it turned out, Slyusarchuk became a doctor of medical sciences and a professor in Ukraine on the basis of fake Russian diplomas.

The trial of Doctor P

At the court hearing in the case of Andrei Slyusarchuk, which took place in the Sikhivskyi court of Lviv on September 26, a witness who came to Lviv from Moscow, Bogdan Melnyk, spoke. His testimony significantly changes many people's previous understanding of the identity of the man known as "Doctor PI." It was believed that the investigation had convincing evidence that Andrei Slyusarchuk does not have a higher education, is not a neurosurgeon and has fake documents.

However, the aforementioned witness told the court that he had known Slyusarchuk since 2000 (when he was still working in Moscow). That he personally brought Slyusarchuk twice to the meeting of graduates of the Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, that he knows several of his classmates and corresponds with them on social networks. And that, at the request of the professor, he bought some drugs in Russia.

The witness confirmed that he bought them in Moscow at exactly this price - he kept the receipts and invoices.

The Moscow guest also said that after Slyusarchuk’s arrest, on his own initiative, he went to the archives of the medical university to find documents relating to the defendant there. And when he was refused, he found a former archivist - a woman who was allegedly fired for giving “Doctor P” a fake copy of her diploma. In fact, it turned out that no one fired anyone, the woman just retired. But she didn’t want to talk to Melnik, hinting that the FSB was involved in this case, so it was better to stay away from her.


The court found Slyusarchuk guilty of 5 counts of illegal medical activities, 2 counts of negligent homicide - 52-year-old Lozovoy and three-year-old Daniil Prokopchuk from the Ternopil region.

He was also found guilty of using deliberately forged documents and 5 counts of taking someone else's property by deception and abuse of trust (fraud).

In addition, the court satisfied part of the civil claims of the victims. Slyusarchuk was ordered to return the funds that the victims paid him for treatment - about 40 thousand dollars.

The defendant is also obliged to pay the family of the deceased Lozovoy 70 thousand hryvnia in moral compensation, and four more victims - 30 thousand hryvnia each.

During the hearing, Slyusarchuk told reporters that he would appeal the verdict because he did not consider himself guilty, and the indictment, in his opinion, was “built on hysteria.”


On June 24, 2016, Andrei Slyusarchuk, known as “Doctor P,” who was sentenced to eight years in prison for fraud and illegal medical practice, was released. His lawyer Yaroslav Zeykan told Ukrainian News about this.

“The court changed the preventive measure to personal obligation,” the lawyer said. At the same time, he noted that Slyusarchuk had already spent a longer period in custody than prescribed for committing the crimes incriminated against him. The agency indicates that the judicial review of Slyusarchuk’s case in the appellate instance continues.

In February of this year, Slyusarchuk, under the “Savchenko Law,” was credited with the two years and three months he spent in a pre-trial detention center before the court verdict as four years and six months against the main sentence.

Reference: Slyusarchuk was arrested in November 2011. On February 14, 2014, the court sentenced him to 8 years in prison; the Court of Appeal later confirmed this sentence. The court found him guilty under Part 1 of Art. 119 (murder by negligence), under Art. 138 (illegal medical activity) and under Art. 190 (fraud) of the Criminal Code. Criminal cases were initiated based on investigations by journalists from the Express newspaper, which reported that all of Slyusarchuk’s diplomas were forged, he did not have a higher medical education, but at the same time he performed neurosurgical operations.

The court found "Dr. P" guilty of murdering two people; Express investigations said that at least 12 people died on his surgical table

Titles, ranks, regalia

The order conferring the title of professor was signed by the Minister of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine Dmitry Tabachnik.

By Decree of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych No. 960/2011 dated September 30, 2011, Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Networks of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Doctor of Medical Sciences Slyusarchuk A.T. for the series of works “Complex of educational information technologies for the provision, memorization and processing of ultra-large information objects in the learning process”, the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of education was awarded in 2011. The award amount is 150,000 hryvnia. Student of proFFesor Pi Chervony Alexander Petrovich also received a prize

Igor Podchibiy, head of the “national project “Book of Records of Ukraine,” said: “There are scientists in Ukraine who are worthy of the Nobel Prize. Among them is Andrey Slyusarchuk..."


Since mid-2011, publications began to appear in the media that criticized the version of Slyusarchuk’s biography that he voiced in his interviews.

The weekly magazine “2000” devoted several articles to Slyusarchuk. In the article “Tricks of Professor Pi-Ace,” newspaper journalist Roman Barashev wrote about facts of falsification of documents and plagiarism on the part of Slyusarchuk that came to light after the show match with “Rybka”. The article provided reviews from experts about Slyusarchuk’s chess shows and his medical practice. The journalist outlined his explanation of the secret of Slyusarchuk’s “phenomenal memory”: during the show, a flesh-colored earphone could be used, through which a nearby assistant with a computer transmitted information, which was then voiced by Slyusarchuk.

Biography according to an investigation by journalists from the Express newspaper

Andrey Tikhonovich Slyusarchuk was born on May 10, 1971 in the city of Zhitomir. His mother, Natalya Tikhonovna Slyusarchuk, at that time a 21-year-old resident of Zhitomir, a woman without education, abandoned her newborn son in the maternity hospital. Since she did not know the child’s father, he was given the patronymic Tikhonovich after the patronymic of the mother herself. The boy grew up at the age of three in an orphanage. Before entering the Berdichev specialized boarding school for disabled children, Andrei Slyusarchuk changed two more orphanages.

In 1980-1987 (from the second to the eighth grades) Andrei Slyusarchuk studied at the Berdichev special boarding school for orphans and children of parents deprived of parental rights, in the village of Grishkovtsy, Berdichevsky district, Zhytomyr region. Nurse Elena Nikiforovna Yashchenko recalls: “He was brought to us at the age of 6-7.” After finishing the eighth grade, he was sent from a special boarding school to a vocational school in Kazyatyn.

In 1987-1989, he studied at Vocational School-17 named after twice Hero of the Soviet Union I. N. Boyko (now the Interregional Higher Vocational School of Railway Transport) in Kazyatyn (Vinnytsia region) as a plasterer-tiler-cladding worker.

The article provides a number of recollections of specific individuals who personally knew and communicated with Andrei during these years. For example, Alexander Vasilyevich Kushpil, a mathematics teacher at the Kazatinsky school, recalled:

After three years of study at vocational school-17, on October 2, 1989, in accordance with order No. 31, Slyusarchuk was transferred to vocational school No. 62 in the city of Chervonograd, Lviv region (in 1998 it was merged with VPU No. 67 of the Smena plant into VPU No. 11, Ukrainian Higher vocational school No. 11), to group No. 74, where future seamstresses studied. Teachers recall that here Slyusarchuk also liked to walk like a doctor with a diplomat and a stethoscope, and conducted hypnosis sessions for money at a nearby school. On June 1, 1990, he was given a document stating that he had “completed the full course” and “assistant foreman” was written in the profession column. Subsequently, almost all documents about his training were destroyed at the school; in the remaining ones, his date of birth was corrected to May 19, 1974, and since then, all official inquiries about whether the citizen of Ukraine Slyusarchuk Andrey Tikhonovich, born on May 9, 1971, studied at this institution years, the management will allegedly answer on the basis of archival documents - no.

Journalists of the newspaper conclude that the diploma of graduation in 1991 from the Russian State Medical University named after. Pirogov in Moscow by Andrey Slyusarchuk - a falsified document and all further diplomas from medical universities and titles are also falsifications.