What does it mean to walk with a fert. What is a fert, mentioned in the old phrase "to walk with a fert"? How I learned to walk

Let's think about it. The first two options denote people or objects that really could walk in the literal and figurative sense. So, the first could be an important rank and pace among the soldiers with his head held high. In the second case, the queen is the most important chess piece that moves in all directions. For some reason, all reflections lead us to the idea that walking with a yoke is important.

So, in this case, the letter F, what or who does this figure look like? The letter F looks like a man who put his hands on his hips. And this letter in the old days was called Firth, then all the letters of the alphabet had their own name. So they began to call the person who took such a pose. Over time, the expression to walk with a firt or stand with a firt, came to mean "to be proud, to be carried over, to be complacent."

So the correct answer to this question is number three: the letter of the alphabet.

It is also interesting to know about the meaning of expressions:

  • What does the expression "to walk with a fert" mean?
  • What does the expression "to the kudykin mountain" mean?

Walk the fert

Walk the fert

to force, to fashion, to flaunt, to perk, to show off, to show off, to keep the style, to tread out, to trump, to vindicate, to look with a fert, to figure, to show off

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

See what "walking with a fert" is in other dictionaries:

    fertom- see Firth 2); in zn. adverb Support your hands with a fert. Support with a fert. Spread out, hold hands with a fert. To stand, walk with a fert (stand, walk with hands on hips) ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Important. (Hands support so that the person takes the shape of the letter F Firth) Cf. As I got married and took this little house as a dowry, I thought that there were no richer or better people than me. Fart walked. Ostrovsky. Jokers. 1, 1. Cf. King of Germany, king of wheat ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    It is important to prop up (walk) with Fertom. (Support your hands so that the person takes the shape of the letter F ferth). Wed As I got married and took this house as a dowry, I thought that there were no richer or better people than me. Fertom walked around. Ostrovsky. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    To perk up, flaunt, figure, walk with a fert, fashion, flaunt, curl up, keep the style, show off, get out, push, flaunt, get out of the way Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    A; m. 1. The old name of the letter f. 2. Nebr. A dashing, dapper and cheeky, self-righteous person. What kind of f. found out? He goes here to the neighbor F. one. Dress up, dress up with a hoop. Look, look with a fert. Walk, walk with a fert. ◁ ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    To figure, to perk up, to show off, to break, to look with a fake, to be out, to force, to show off, to show off, to fashion, to go around with a fake, to fiddle, to shake off, to show off, to keep a style, to flaunt Dictionary of Russian synonyms. ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Flaunt, play the fool, break the fool, play the fool, play the jester, play the fool, play the fool, get out of the way, break the vanka, play the vanka, blame, show off, play the clown pea, play the fool, force, play the fool, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Play a fool, play a jester, play a fool, break parsley, break a car, play a fool, play a fool, play a pea jester, play parsley, clown about, force, play pranks, grimace, show off, break out, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Firth, fertik. The merger of two different words of homonymic composition is reflected in a peculiar way in the history of the word Firth.

Primarily Firth(or firt) is the name of the 22nd letter of the Old Russian alphabet. This word was noted by Acad. I. I. Sreznevsky already in the ancient Russian monument of the XIV century (Gr. Naz. With interpretation. Nik. Century. Op. 11.2.86–87): voice introduced ferth to rest, but kako na khѣr (faskapaskha) ".

"The old man is indignant at Philip, his son-in-law, firt he names the letter ( διά το φι γράμμα ) "(Georg. Amartol. Uvarovsk. Sp., Fol. 281–282). "Theodore, Theophan ... have these names and the like in the beginning" Firth supply, not fit ”(Sreznevsky, 3, p. 1350). In this sense, the word Firth used until the beginning of the 18th century. In the XVIII century. in the Russian language the German word fertig was borrowed in the meaning of “ready” and received a substantive meaning: “smart dandy, dandy (fertik)”.

Indicative are the data extracted from the "Dictionary of the Russian Academy" (1806-1822, part 6, p. 1103). Here we find: " Fertik, ka, s. m. 2 warehouses diminish. common people. means dandy. "

« Firth, and, with. m. 2 warehouses the name of the twenty-third letter in the Slavenorossiysk alphabet "(Dictionary of the Academy of Slavic, 1822, part 2, p. 1103). It is curious that already here the folk-etymological rethinking of the word is indicated fertig(fertik) as a form of the diminutive (i.e., highlighting in its composition the diminutive suffix -ik) cf. table - table; nail - carnation; color - flower; Wed flower etc.). This means that the word fertik comes already in the XVIII century. into an associative, i.e., semantic and etymological connection with the word ferth– due to their partial homonymy. However, in the very word Firth the importance of the dandy has yet to be celebrated.

In the dictionary of 1847 (4, p. 386), we find almost the same information: “ Fertik, a, c. m. 1. Mind. the words Firth. 2. A dandy who behaves like the letter F. He stands fertik» . « Firth, a, c. m. the name of the letter, in the Slavic alphabet twenty-second, and in the Russian twenty-first "(ibid.).

Here, without any ado, it is stated that between fertik and Firth an internal etymological and word-formation relationship was established and that fertik perceived as a diminutive to the word Firth. However, even here the word Firth not defined as dandy, dandy.

Otherwise, in V. I. Dal: “ Firth m., letter F. Fertik, belittles: dandy, dandy. To stand fertom, prop up fertom with both hands on the sides. That's how I am (Napoleon. - V.V.) I'll walk as a lady, fertom I'll lean on my sides ”(words by Dahl, 4, p. 549).

Phraseological illustration fertik("it costs fertik") Leads to an indication of a metaphorical connection with the letter F self-confident, akimbo figure of a dandy "hands on hips, eyes on the ceiling." Hence the expression “ stand with a fert» . So it was sung in an old soldier's song:

King of Germany, king of wheat,

Chicken look, lingonberry nose,

Arms fertom under the barrel,

And the soul is all in a patch.

It is curious that in D.N.Ushakov's dictionary (4, p. 1070) the word fertik perceived only as a diminutive-dismissive form of Firth in the sense of "dandy", common in common parlance. The word Firth is defined as follows: “1. The old name of the letter "F". 2. A dandy, a smug, cheeky person (colloquially neglected.) Firth found out? " - Firt to stand (look, look etc.) - on his hips (so that it looks like the letter "f") cheekily, impudently. Hands on the hips, look with enthusiasm, we look with a fert - we look, just spit(Dostoevsky), Craftsman guy - looks with a fertom(Nekrasov) ".

(Vinogradov V. V. To the study of questions of homonymy // Slawisch-deutsche Wechselbeziehungen in Sprache, Literatur und Kultur. Berlin, Verlag Academie, 1969, pp. 278–279).

Walk the fert

to force, to fashion, to flaunt, to perk, to show off, to show off, to keep the style, to tread out, to trump, to vindicate, to look with a fert, to figure, to show off

  • - See Courage - Courage -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

  • - See Be in the hearing ...

    A large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - FERT, -a, ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - FERT, -a, ...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - fert adverb. qualities - are. colloquial 1. On akimbo, hands on hips; so that the shape is similar to the letter Firth I. 2. Used as an inconsistent definition ...

    Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - f "ertom, adverb ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - important. Wed As I got married and took this little house as a dowry, I thought that there were no richer or better people than me. Fart walked. Ostrovsky. Jokers. eleven...

    Explanatory phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - It’s important to prop up with Fertom. ... Wed As I got married and took this house as a dowry, I thought that there were no richer or better people than me. Fertom walked around. Ostrovsky. Jokers. eleven...

    Michelson's Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 13 vyryuchivayuschey vyryuchivayutsya vykabluchivayutsya vykobenivayutsya showing off holding style trumping flaunted fashioned ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - to perturb, show off, figure, walk with a fert, fashion, flaunt, curl up, keep the style, show off, get out, force, trump, ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 4 akimbo, akimbo, turned hands on hips, resting hands on hips ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 3 akimbo, standing with his hands on his hips, resting his hands on his hips ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - stand with your hands on your hips, akimbo, rest your hands on ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 smug ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 15 pompous air-breathing vyryuchivaya vyryuchivayutsya vykabluchivayutsya vykobenivayusya vydelyvayutsya showing off looking with a fert ...

    Synonym dictionary

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